Mind Deprogramming Jukebox

Thursday, 20 October 2005

I was digging a ditch, more or less I was placing waterline pipe in a ditch when my friend and boss at the time came to me white as a ghost. The 2 towers in New York had been struck by airplanes and the US Goverment was saying that it was a terrible attack done by terrorists. I watched CNN and followed the broadcasts from the BBC and my local CBC and never questioned what was told to me. Bin Laden had attacked the US and it had been a wakeup call for everyone involved. Time to wake up! DAMM, was I right. But the waking up part has to do with WHO REALLY ATTACKED THE US, why did it happen and who stood to gain. I started to question the whole story line throwen to the public when the United States started to beat the war drums. I fell in line with the whole invasion of Afghaninstan, but when that operation was concluded and Iraq was targeted I knew there was something up. Bin Laden had not been found. He was the mastermind behind all of this. What did Sadam have to do with Saudi's and an ex-CIA operative? Iraq had been bombed for 10 straight years by coalition forces. Had no army and had been consistantly harrashed by teams of weapons inspectors. If anyone had suffered since the first gulf war it had been the Iraqi's. Why would he crave more punishment. Dictators only want power, yet if he had as the US stated been part of this terrible deed he would certainly know he would lose his power, even his life. That aside the US had no real evidence and many false claims were made to the lead up of the Iraq.

"The evidence indicates that Iraq is reconstituting its nuclear weapons program ... Iraq has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes and other equipment needed for gas centrifuges, which are used to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons." -- President Bush, Oct. 7, 2002, in Cincinnati.

"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." -- President Bush, Jan.28, 2003, in the State of the Union address.

"[The CIA possesses] solid reporting of senior-level contacts between Iraq and al-Qaeda going back a decade." -- CIA Director George Tenet in a written statement released Oct. 7, 2002 and echoed in that evening's speech by President Bush.

There are a few samples, Bush and his administration lied, and kept on lieing. The bigger the lie the bolder they got. Strange all thse lies being tossed around were sometimes debunked online or in the press overseas. But the British Press for the most part, the US Press almost completely and the Canadian press just towed the line. I was amazed. I started to wonder, what else am I being lied to about. TV NEWS SUCKS, they all spew crap out each day feeding you what to think, what to know and who to follow. Yet if you search the net, and I hope my blog can make you do this, you will be amazed. I read and watched and watched and read articles. Soon enough I came to the conclusion that those in power had prior knowledge and staged the attacks. I had no other way to think. The facts are just so staggering. SO SIMPLE to follow. Connect the dots so to speak. What purpose did the attacked have, well its all about a World controlled for the few,a GLOBAL goverment.

Laugh I know. But this is what I think you should do. Just connect the dots.

Americans my fellow Canadians and the rest of the Western TV fed people are sheep. BAH BAH BAH. Most don't care. Its I think what I am told. I eat, I crap I have sex and watch TV and I am happy. Well fed slaves. If I tow the line no one laughs at me or insults me. If I come up with something unpopluar or out of the ordinary then I am a quack or must be uneducated or dumb. Like in school. Your told something, how it is, then repeat it as fact. How quickly this leads to revisionist history. Thank god for Noam Chomsky. I know, we are happy. THings work. And for the most part, we in the Western World have it good. But for how long.

1. Question Authority, think for yourself. Start to look at all the facts. Being a Patriot if your American does not mean DO NOT QUESTION YOUR GOVERMENT, SUPPORT YOUR TROOPS! Its means question your goverment, support your troops, your sons and daughters and make sure they were not sent and killed in a foreign country to satistfy power hungry madmen. How is it having less freedoms and rights in the safest countries in the world help fight against terrorists? They only help fight against you in the long run.

2. Research 9/11. Look at all the facts. Like how is it Norad stepped down for the first time in its history. How is it building 7 was "pulled" or demolished with planted explosives in NY on a day the city was gripped in fear. It takes weeks to plan, days at the very least a planned demolition. Yet building 7 was taken down and it was not even hit by a plane. It housed the CIA, Secret Service ect. The 2 towers collasped in hours as well, yet engineers the world over have stated they should have burned for days. Just follow the facts. That is all I ask. Goto sites like
The Power Hour and InfoWars.com and read the facts.

3. Watch videos, just for the facts. Just for opinions. After all this is just to see and hear different views, and to learn information about the events. With information you can start to rethink the events if you wish, or even better listen to the facts to say to us conspiracy people how wrong we all. Your smart enough to come to your own decesions. That is not however just saying we are wrong, or the melting point of steel is not that *&#*$&* when it is.
Its like above when I mention the school thing, if your follow the MAIN LINE, the story so to speak then its all good, question anything, bring up real facts and its just shut your mouth !!! Don't be scare to go against your own judgement. The best way to prove yourself right is to attack your own position. If it stands to the test your ok, if not then .... so view other facts. Movies out there are great ways to take in alot of details you don't get from FOX, CBC and CNN.

** You can watch videos with a high-speed connection for free with Winamp. A great tool. Download it, install it and goto WebTV section. There you can see videos about 911 lies, and much more. I don't expect you to believe everything you hear or see. But each thing you watch leads you to question what is being told to you, or what HAD BEEN TOLD to you. Then you can decide if, well maybe perhaps there wasn't 100% truth being passed out. Or if the president of the US is an upstanding man. Also sites like Phaylons website allow you to watch videos

4. Decide if you were lied to, ethier fully or in part., or even if at all. But if you follow the facts and conclide you had been deceived, then you must ask why. How badly. What else is a crock of bull ! You can then look at other aspects. Like how freedoms not just in the US but Britian have been eroded in this now global war on terrorism. How convient that there is no country, nor knowen face to fight. If can go on forever as it is needed.

Start with 9/11. Its a good focus point. You learn the M.O. of the people we are dealing with. From there we can look into a history of the Iluminati. A group of powerful people that are trying to form a global fascist world, and a goverment to rule us all under.

I woke up, being the minority in this brain washed TV Induced sleep walker filled worlded is normal. You can only control the populace if they believe everything you tell them. Bold faced lies, pumped up with TV and Radio crap. What makes the facts you get from TV [ Companys, paided employees and partisan spokes people ] more then that of says witnesses, internet radio and media ? How can you prove something wrong. Research it, debate it and access all the facts. THe fact is so long as 90% plus of the world does NOT do this they can keep power.

Your a slave to money.

"This Act (the Federal Reserve Act, Dec. 23rd 1913) establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President (Woodrow Wilson) signs the Bill, the invisible government of the Monetary Power will be legalised... The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency Bill."
Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.

Things to GOOGLE per say as well : Illuminati , Loose Change [ great movie ], In Plane Site,
www.BlackRibbonSites.org, NAC, 9/11, Fear & the Selling of American Empire, The World According to Bush, Patriot Act, Bill of Rights.

Thanks blog yas later !