Taking a moment away from my rants and musings about politics and the new world order, I would like to present a website to you. This website is http://www.milkmanmike.com.
Mike and I grew up together, neighbors as childern. He is a former guinessbook of world records holder for, well squirting milk out his eye. He has been on several late night talk shows, traveled the world for it and had a great deal of fun and minor celeb status because of this. However one night Mike lost his claim to fame, he was beaten by 6 inches. I still say using common sense, if the height of one person is greater then that of another [ and this dude who beat him was tall !! ] they should have the contest at equal height to prohibit this from truly being a factor. That aside. Visit Mikes site and I hope you enjoy it, I support completely his effort to once again be the true MILKMAN !
Friday, 4 November 2005
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Friday, November 04, 2005
Syria in trouble and Morals, might makes Right ?
One of the leading researchers of the Institute of Oriental Studies of Russian Academy of Science Vladimir Isaev talks about the possibility of US attacking Syria. Is this just talk or could they knowing Iraq will never develop into a centre peice of power in the middleast excellerate plans to at least try to take massive control over all the Oil rich countrys ? The United States, France and Britain pushed for the adoption of a tough resolution against Syria which would threaten sanctions if Damascus fails to cooperate fully with the U.N. probe into Hariri's slaying, reports the AP. Why would they advocate sanctions and cause more outrage against the US, and the West in general throughout the middle east knowing how the regions politics are?
George W. Bush At the end of the last week the UN Security Council received a report from the special commission of the German investigator Detlev Mehlis. According to the report high officials of Syria and Lebanon may have been involved in the murder of the ex-PM of Lebanon Rafik Hariri. Right there in black and white. Both Syria and Lebanon. But that aside, 1. Syrian authorities stressed there were no evidence supporting this claim and called the report politically biased. 2. Lebanon has made progress toward rebuilding its political institutions since 1991 and the end of the devastating 15-year civil war. Under the Ta'if Accord - the blueprint for national reconciliation - the Lebanese have established a more equitable political system, particularly by giving Muslims a greater say in the political, so this is a beacon or blueprint for what the US would like, but still American has no obligations to involve themselves in the policital theatre of every country in the world. Unless of course if wants to run the world .. right ?
Its the middle east, this weeks friend can be next weeks foe. What on earth are they doing rattling sabres for Lebanon, when it could in effect turn the other way in years to come. I hope not, but still, this looks like a way to pin the blame for the failure of Iraq, maybe even kill 2 birds with one stone so to speak.
So the US president George W. Bush said that the UN had to apply sanctions against Damascus on a grand scale. He also used the opportunity to blame Syria for destabilization of the situation in Iraq and the collaboration with the international terrorism. "We expect Syria to do everything in its power to shut down the transshipment of suiciders and killers into Iraq," he said. "We expect Syria to be a good neighbor to Iraq. We expect Syria not to agitate killers in the Palestinian territory." He added that otherwise the USA would be forced to take actions. The last words were interpreted by many as a sign that the US is about to start a military campaign against Syria.
On that note, lets talk about a few things quickly, all of which have to do with morals. Which the US seems to base all its actions on nowadays and seems so quick to pass judgement on without any other facts or hsitory. Like above, leaving out the reigonal history of Lebanon and Syria, reasons for conflict and how the 2 nations have dealt with each other.
1. Reports surfaced on Wednesday that the US's Central Intelligence Agency, or CIA, has been running a secret system of prisons overseas. The Washington Post newspaper reported that the CIA is hiding and interrogating some of its most important Al-Qaeda captives at a Soviet-era compound in Eastern Europe. Reportedly, one of these captives included the main conspirator of the September 11th terrorist attacks, Ramzi Binalshibh. National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley would not confirm or deny the existence of the secret prisons. Reports surfaced on Wednesday that the US's Central Intelligence Agency, or CIA, has been running a secret system of prisons overseas. The Washington Post newspaper reported that the CIA is hiding and interrogating some of its most important Al-Qaeda captives at a Soviet-era compound in Eastern Europe. Reportedly, one of these captives included the main conspirator of the September 11th terrorist attacks, Ramzi Binalshibh.
National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley would not confirm or deny the existence of the secret prisons. YES THIS IS THE USA THAT WANTS TO PROTECT YOU FROM TERRIBLE EVIL PEOPLE. Look in the mirror people."While we have to do what is necessary to defend the country against terrorist attacks and to win the war on terror, the President has been very clear that we are going to do that in a way that is consistent with our values."
Led by US Vice President Dick Cheney, the Bush administration is floating a proposal that would allow the President to exempt covert agents outside the Defense Department from a Senate-approved ban on torturing detainees in US custody or weakening the ban. Just look at the above quote to know that is happening, look at Abu Ghraib ...or Guantanamo Bay to know that its all a scam, this talk about rights. Right are with this group only give to those who are on one side. I hope this not going to far, but did not Hilter decide who had rights and who did not. Just to the more extreme. The right to live or die. So this said you see US Vice President Dick Cheney, and the Bush administration floating a proposal that would allow the President to exempt covert agents outside the Defense Department from a Senate-approved ban on torturing detainees in US custody or weakening the ban. ** CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP ** I await the day the US finds out one of its people has been torture and see what the line is they play.
2. The rich get richer with BIRD FLU THREAT !!! Good old Dick, you know who. The same guy above trying to pass a senate approved ban on torture seems to have made a bucket full of money off of the bird flu. He has links to company that makes the Tamil flu vaccine. GOOD ON YOU DICK ! After all you need to save for retirement. Cheney earned forty-four million dollars during his tenure at Halliburton. Although he has said that he “severed all my ties with the company,” he continues to collect deferred compensation worth approximately a hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year, and he retains stock options worth more than eighteen million dollars. He has announced that he will donate proceeds from the stock options to charity. How nice Dick !!! Shady if not if illgeal.
Even those within the admin don't like the guy! Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, chief of staff to Mr Powell until last January, said: “What I saw was a cabal between the vice-president of the United States, Richard Cheney, and the secretary of defense, Donald Rumsfeld, on critical issues that made decisions that the bureaucracy did not know were being made.
Check out Dicks life on the CBC's website : CBC : The Fifth estate
3. THE CURRENT US ADMIN IS FULL OF HYPOCRITES, THE HISTORY OF US ADMINS IS FULL OF HYPOCRTIES. I started this blog about the US threatening to have sanctions placed on Syria for killing a Lebanonese Prime Minsiter. What have they done in the past? Killed a leader of Chile in 1973 and placed in a dictator named Pinochet. In Iran, the Parliamentary government nationalized a British oil company, the only oil company in Iran. The United States sent military aid and money to military officers who overthrew the government. In 1954, the Shah of Iran (a king) was installed by the U.S. and they got "their" oil back. In 1965, elected president Juan Bosch attempted a comeback when it appeared that rebel military officers would undo the U.S.-backed coup in the Dominican Republic. Juan Bosch had been president for seven months when military officers overthrew him. Instead of Juan Bosch coming back to power in his rightful office, the United States sent the Marines and kept him out. In 1993 chaos in Haiti grows so bad that President Clinton has no choice but to remove the Haitian military dictator, Raoul Cedras, on threat of U.S. invasion. The U.S. do not arrest Haiti’s military leaders for crimes against humanity, but instead ensure their safety and rich retirements. Aristide is returned to power only after being forced to accept an agenda favorable to the country’s ruling class.
In fact they have interferred in more ways then you can possibly imgaine, or stood by and watched as things happened when it suited them. Case and point,the movie THE REVOLUTION WILL NOT BE TELEVISED , just watch the CNN broadcasts. No sir, I think Syria can state they are no better, but no worse then the US when it comes to morals involving other countries and their leaders.
Posted by
Friday, November 04, 2005
Wednesday, 2 November 2005
I was thinking about the American debt since the Bush goverment wanted to spend Billions on this Flu when it has yet to cause massive deaths anywhere. Welp
YIKES, seems the Americans are going broke and nobody really is caring. The society with the deficit is way off balance. Spiraling national debt, I guess all the politicans care about is the next election. Why since most politicans are stinky rich.
BTW, we are not that much better, and dang we get taxed to heck in Canada !!!!
A great source of info is also :
Posted by
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Tuesday, 1 November 2005
Bird Flu Found
CTV News, reported tonight that the dreaded H5 virus has been found in Birds in Brittish Columbia. From that site
"Officials in B.C. say 14 ducks have tested strongly positive for the H5 virus. Samples have now been sent to the National Centre for Foreign Animal Disease in Winnipeg." With that stated I guess we will see the public reaction, and if at all anyone gets ill. If they do, could it be a major outbreak? I have not seen any in other countries that have tested birds positive yet. Many having had this strain for weeks or months. So I hope for all of our sakes this just allows us to test the Virus and prepare for it. I am still unsure, well completely against major innoculation efforts lead by the UN and Health Canada. Take it easy. I lived through and had many friends affected in 2004 by the bird flu.
100's lost their jobs, and personal friends who debeak the birds and give them the shots against disease lost their jobs when the entire Fraser Valley had the live stock slaughtered. A quote from the CTV website comfirms this, and that Asian has had more deaths since my last post.
" In 2004, an outbreak of a form of avian flu in British Columbia forced the slaughter of 17 million birds. In the end, only three million birds were found to have had the disease.
"After waterfowl were discovered carrying the H5 strain of the virus in Quebec and Manitoba officials from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency said there was no reason to panic.
"The evidence we have observed strongly indicates that these healthy birds were not infected with the same virus that is currently present in Asia," Jim Clark of the CFIA told a news conference on Monday.
Clark said there are nine different subtypes of the H5 virus, and because of that he said "the chance of it being H5N1 are likely fairly remote."
The H5N1 strain of the virus is behind the growing avian flu problem in Asia, where more than 60 people have died of H5N1 infections picked up from poultry."
Of final note, My Favorite person to comment on about this is, Mr Bush. His latest speech about the virus and how to combat it once again should have Americans shitting themselves. Sorry for cussing, but I fiqured it would grab your attention. Seems President Bush thinks since time will be limited if a Pandemic hits or even a regional outbreak to create and test any vaccines [and we know how good a bio-chemist and viral expert the president of the USA is] that he should give the Pharm companies that make billions of dollars [name another industry outside of oil, if even that that makes more world wide] a break on any lawsuits if the Vaccines have any side effects or cause harm. Then why have it !WHY TEST ! This is is sad. Here is the man in charge of making sure laws are passed to protect the people wanting to instead protect the pharm companies. Maybe with this in place they would test as long or care about testing. This is a VERY #($*#( BAD IDEA Mr Brains, errr Bush.
Quote from : http://www.kentucky.com/mld/kentucky/news/nation/13055959.htm
By asking Congress for $7.1 billion to prepare for the possibility of a flu pandemic, President Bush is setting up a grand experiment in the fight against lethal flu strains.
The plan, which Bush outlined Tuesday, would take years to implement and may be of most immediate benefit to drug companies that make flu vaccines.
His proposals include lawsuit protections for vaccine-makers, in addition to $2.8 billion for corporate research into ways of making vaccines more quickly after a new strain emerges. Bush also would spend billions to build national stockpiles of an experimental vaccine and anti-viral drugs that might help treat the disease. White House aides said it's unclear when the anti-viral supplies would be ready, though they hope the vaccine stockpile will be done by 2009.
And once again, just another piece of the puzzel with the billions for Vaccines to be done on a massive scale in the future. All to cause harm, and with a PLAN AWAITING TO MAKE IF IMPOSSIBLE TO SUE IF YOUR HARMED BY THE VACCINE MADE TO HEAL !! THEY WANT TO PLACE A BILL TO PROHIBIT LEGAL ACTION !!! This would of course prohibit any actions by anyone leftover if the batch or many btaches were bad. Who gains ? Only the companys, and the Illuminati who want to killed 80% of the worlds population since they know the sustainable limit will be reached by 2020. This bill allows the US, and I am sure since the UN will be running ** SEE POSTS BELOW ** a global vaccine centre a GLOBAL BILL TO STOP ALL PEOPLE FROM TAKING ANY ACTIONS ANYWHERE. The UN or the USA will be : " HOW COULD WE HAVE FORSEEN THE DEATHS ON THIS SCALE BACK IN 2005 WHEN THIS BILL WAS PASSED! SORRY PEOPLE ITS 2010 WE DIDN'T MEAN FOR YOU TO HAVE DIED FROM THESE VACCINES !
More to come Sheep. Stay tuned.
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Tuesday, November 01, 2005