Mind Deprogramming Jukebox

Sunday, 6 August 2006

Hybrid avian-human flu virus didn't spread in lab study

Hybrid avian-human flu virus didn't spread in lab study

Jul 31, 2006 (CIDRAP News) – In an experiment designed to mimic events that could launch an influenza pandemic, a synthetic influenza virus made by combining an H5N1 avian flu virus with a human flu virus turned out to be no more contagious in an animal model than the natural H5N1 virus, US scientists are reporting this week.

Researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) made two hybrid viruses and infected ferrets with them, according to a report to be published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The viruses failed to spread from infected ferrets to healthy ones in neighboring cages.

"We found that they [the viruses] were not able to transmit efficiently," said CDC researcher Dr. Jackie Katz, speaking at a Jul 28 teleconference. "In fact, they were also not as able to cause severe disease as the original H5N1 virus."

The deadly H5N1 virus has infected 232 people and killed 134 since late 2003, but it has not yet found a way to spread easily from person to person. But scientists fear the virus could pick up that ability if it combined, or reassorted, with a human flu virus, which could happen if someone became infected with both types simultaneously. The CDC set out to create such a hybrid and test it in ferrets. The animals are considered good models for flu virus research because their susceptibility to flu viruses is similar to that of humans.

CDC officials cautioned against taking much comfort from the experimental results. Although the synthetic hybrid didn't spread among the ferrets in the experiments so far, that doesn't mean the scenario couldn't happen in nature, they said. (Also, experts say the H5N1 virus could become transmissible through accumulated small mutations, without reassortment.)

"These data do not mean that H5N1 cannot convert to be transmissible from person to person; they mean it's probably not a simple process and more than simple genetic exchanges are necessary," CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberdng said at the teleconference.

The H5N1 virus used in the study was a strain collected in 1997, when the pathogen first infected humans in Hong Kong. The human flu virus used in the study was an H3N2 strain, which has been common in recent decades. The research involved four steps, according to Katz.

First, investigators assessed whether the H3N2 and H5N1 viruses would spread in ferrets, whose cages were arranged so that viruses could spread via respiratory droplets. The human virus did spread efficiently, whereas the avian virus didn't, which signaled that the ferrets were serving as good models for human infection, Katz said.

The next step was to generate reassortant viruses. "We made two viruses that contained surface protein genes from the H5N1 virus and internal genes from the human H3N2 virus," Katz said. "We found we could make these viruses and that some of them were viable."

Third, the scientists infected some ferrets with the hybrid viruses and waited to see if they would spread to healthy ferrets. The hybrid viruses caused less severe illness than the original H5N1 strain, and they failed to spread.

Finally, the investigators wanted to know if the hybrid viruses would naturally mutate to become more transmissible if they were passed through several ferrets in succession. So the researchers infected ferrets and, after the ferrets showed symptoms, took nasal secretions and used them to infect other ferrets, repeating this step five times. Further, the researchers assessed whether the virus could spread more easily after all these generations or "passages."

"We found that the virus did not acquire any additional capacity to transmit efficiently from infected ferrets to healthy ferrets," Katz said.

Katz didn't explain why the CDC used a 1997 strain of H5N1 instead of a more recent strain, but said more recent isolates will be used in further experiments. Later versions of both H5N1 and H3N2 will be used to make further hybrids for testing in ferrets, she said. Scientists have identified a number of mutations in the H5N1 virus since 1997.

"We did test the more recent strains [of H5N1] for their ability to transmit, and like the 1997 strains, they could not transmit efficiently from one animal to the next," she said. "We need to continue to study this."

The CDC officials were asked whether reassortment "dumbs down" or weakens the virus. Katz replied that the hybrids were less virulent than H5N1, but cautioned that the results apply only to the 1997 strain.

Gerberding commented, "The pandemics of 1957 and 1968 were caused by reassortant viruses. Those were not dumb viruses."

In answering other questions, Katz said some scientists believe the 1918 pandemic virus, unlike the 1957 and 1968 viruses, arose through slowly accumulating mutations in an avian virus rather than through a reassortment event. "We're looking at the approach of the 1957 and 1968 pandemics where there was a more sudden change," she said.

The most important lesson of the research so far, according to Katz, is "the knowledge that this process isn't simple, the procedure for the virus to acquire the properties of transmissibility."

She said the CDC also created a hybrid that involved H3N2 virus surface proteins and H5N1 internal genes—the reverse of the hybrid she first described—and "that was not sufficient for transmissibility either. . . . That points to the fact that it's a complex interaction of the surface genes and the internal genes."

Gerberding warned that the findings shouldn't lead to complacency.

"I'm not reassured from the public health perspective," she said. "This virus is still out there, it's still evolving, and influenza is always unpredictable. . . . So let's not use the word 'reassuring' with respect to what might happen with H5N1."

Because of the risk that the reassortant viruses could spread, the research was done under stringent containment, involving Biosafety Level 3 with extra precautions, Katz said.

Maines TR, Chen LM, Matsuoka Y, et al. Lack of transmission of H5N1 avian-human reassortant influenza viruses in a ferret model. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2006 (published online Jul 31) [Abstract]

Wednesday, 14 June 2006

CBC states members of Goverment want us to have less rights

On the heels of Britain and America, our Goverment plans to take our rights away slowly and be using terrorism as the means to scare us into doing it.

Government argues security certificates necessary to protect national security

Last Updated Wed, 14 Jun 2006 22:38:49 EDT

Lawyers for the federal government argued before the Supreme Court on Wednesday that national security outweighs the rights of individuals.

Adil Charkaoui walks past a support protester outside the Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa Wednesday during a break in the second day of hearings on security certificates. (Tom Hanson/ Canadian Press)

The government side is defending the use of security certificates, which allow the indefinite detention of non-citizens who are accused of being threats to national security.

Three men who have been detained are challenging the practice.

On Tuesday, their lawyers argued the certificates violate the Charter of Rights.

Security certificate detainees are only allowed to see summaries of the case against them.

Some of the justices' most probing questions were on the issue of secret evidence.

Justice Rosalie Abella asked how a detainee such as Mohammed Harkat could defend himself from allegations he knew so little about.

"It just seems to be general allegations of the organizations, and how it works and how they recruit sleepers and so on. I don't see any specific information that Mr. Harkat could take home and say 'this is how I respond to this,' " she said.

But government lawyer Bernard Laprade responded that the need to protect secret information trumped the detainees' right to mount a well-informed defense.

"The summary is a breakdown of the raw information. You're not going to get that. That raw information is the very reason why the information is protected," he told the court.

Laprade said the first duty of a government is to protect national security. Without national security, he said, individual rights are meaningless.

But some of the judges took issue with that line of argument. Justice Louis LeBel appeared unconvinced and said if Canadians have security but no individual liberties, then they may as well be living in North Korea.

The Supreme Court isn't expected to rule for some months. But the outline of a decision may already be emerging.

The judges have asked repeatedly about the possibility of empowering a special advocate, with a clearance to hear secret evidence, someone who can look out for the rights of the detainee in the secret hearings.

Monday, 5 June 2006


If they were not so serious it would be funny.

On Monday, June 19, about 4,000 government workers representing more than 50 federal agencies from the State Department to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission will say goodbye to their families and set off for dozens of classified emergency facilities stretching from the Maryland and Virginia suburbs to the foothills of the Alleghenies. They will take to the bunkers in an "evacuation" that my sources describe as the largest "continuity of government" exercise ever conducted, a drill intended to prepare the U.S. government for an event even more catastrophic than the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

The exercise is the latest manifestation of an obsession with government survival that has been a hallmark of the Bush administration since 9/11, a focus of enormous and often absurd time, money and effort that has come to echo the worst follies of the Cold War. The vast secret operation has updated the duck-and-cover scenarios of the 1950s with state-of-the-art technology -- alerts and updates delivered by pager and PDA, wireless priority service, video teleconferencing, remote backups -- to ensure that "essential" government functions continue undisrupted should a terrorist's nuclear bomb go off in downtown Washington.

But for all the BlackBerry culture, the outcome is still old-fashioned black and white: We've spent hundreds of millions of dollars on alternate facilities, data warehouses and communications, yet no one can really foretell what would happen to the leadership and functioning of the federal government in a catastrophe.

After 9/11, The Washington Post reported that President Bush had set up a shadow government of about 100 senior civilian managers to live and work outside Washington on a rotating basis to ensure the continuity of national security. Since then, a program once focused on presidential succession and civilian control of U.S. nuclear weapons has been expanded to encompass the entire government. From the Department of Education to the Small Business Administration to the National Archives, every department and agency is now required to plan for continuity outside Washington.

Yet according to scores of documents I've obtained and interviews with half a dozen sources, there's no greater confidence today that essential services would be maintained in a disaster. And no one really knows how an evacuation would even be physically possible.

Moreover, since 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina, the definition of what constitutes an "essential" government function has been expanded so ridiculously beyond core national security functions -- do we really need patent and trademark processing in the middle of a nuclear holocaust? -- that the term has become meaningless. The intent of the government effort may be laudable, even necessary, but a hyper-centralized approach based on the Cold War model of evacuations and bunkering makes it practically worthless.

That the continuity program is so poorly conceived, and poorly run, should come as no surprise. That's because the same Federal Emergency Management Agency that failed New Orleans after Katrina, an agency that a Senate investigating committee has pronounced "in shambles and beyond repair," is in charge of this enormous effort to plan for the U.S. government's survival.

Continuity programs began in the early 1950s, when the threat of nuclear war moved the administration of President Harry S. Truman to begin planning for emergency government functions and civil defense. Evacuation bunkers were built, and an incredibly complex and secretive shadow government program was created.

At its height, the grand era of continuity boasted the fully operational Mount Weather, a civilian bunker built along the crest of Virginia's Blue Ridge, to which most agency heads would evacuate; the Greenbrier hotel complex and bunker in West Virginia, where Congress would shelter; and Raven Rock, or Site R, a national security bunker bored into granite along the Pennsylvania-Maryland border near Camp David, where the Joint Chiefs of Staff would command a protracted nuclear war. Special communications networks were built, and evacuation and succession procedures were practiced continually.

When the Soviet Union crumbled, the program became a Cold War curiosity: Then-Defense Secretary Dick Cheney ordered Raven Rock into caretaker status in 1991. The Greenbrier bunker was shuttered and a 30-year-old special access program was declassified three years later.

Then came the terrorist attacks of the mid-1990s and the looming Y2K rollover, and suddenly continuity wasn't only for nuclear war anymore. On Oct. 21, 1998, President Bill Clinton signed Presidential Decision Directive 67, "Enduring Constitutional Government and Continuity of Government Operations." No longer would only the very few elite leaders responsible for national security be covered. Instead, every single government department and agency was directed to see to it that they could resume critical functions within 12 hours of a warning, and keep their operations running at emergency facilities for up to 30 days. FEMA was put in charge of this broad new program.

On 9/11, the program was put to the test -- and failed. Not on the national security side: Vice President Cheney and others in the national security leadership were smoothly whisked away from the capital following procedures overseen by the Pentagon and the White House Military Office. But like the mass of Washingtonians, officials from other agencies found themselves virtually on their own, unsure of where to go or what to do, or whom to contact for the answers.

In the aftermath, the federal government was told to reinvigorate its continuity efforts. Bush approved lines of succession for civil agencies. Cabinet departments and agencies were assigned specific emergency responsibilities. FEMA issued new preparedness guidelines and oversaw training. A National Capital Region continuity working group established in 1999, comprising six White House groups, 15 departments and 61 agencies, met to coordinate.

But all the frenetic activity did not produce a government prepared for the worst. A year after 9/11, and almost three years after the deadline set in Clinton's 1998 directive, the Government Accounting Office evaluated 38 agencies and found that not one had addressed all the issues it had been ordered to. A 2004 GAO audit of 34 government continuity-of-operations plans found total confusion on the question of essential functions. One unnamed organization listed 399 such functions. A department included providing "speeches and articles for the Secretary and Deputy Secretary" among its essential duties, while neglecting many of its central programs.

The confusion and absurdity have continued, according to documents I've collected over the past few years. In June 2004, FEMA told federal agencies that essential services in a catastrophe would include not only such obvious ones as electric power generation and disaster relief but also patent and trademark processing, student aid and passport processing. A month earlier, FEMA had told states and local communities that library services should be counted as essential along with fire protection and law enforcement.

None of this can be heartening to Americans who want to believe that in a crisis, their government can distinguish between what is truly essential and what isn't -- and provide it.

Just two years ago, an exercise called Forward Challenge '04 pointed up the danger of making everyone and everything essential: Barely an hour after agencies were due to arrive at their relocation sites, the Office of Management and Budget asked the reconstituted government to identify emergency funding requirements.

As one after-action report for the exercise later put it in a classic case of understatement: "It was not clear . . . whether this would be a realistic request at that stage of an emergency."

This year's exercise, Forward Challenge '06, will be the third major interagency continuity exercise since 9/11. Larger than Forward Challenge '04 and the Pinnacle exercise held last year, it requires 31 departments and agencies (including FEMA) to relocate. Fifty to 60 are expected to take part.

According to government sources, the exercise will test the newly created continuity of government alert conditions -- called COGCONs -- that emulate the DEFCONs of the national security community. Forward Challenge will begin with a series of alerts via BlackBerry and pager to key officials. It will test COGCON 1, the highest level of preparedness, in which each department and agency is required to have at least one person in its chain of command and sufficient staffing at alternate operating facilities to perform essential functions.

Though key White House officials and military leadership would be relocated via the Pentagon's Joint Emergency Evacuation Program (JEEP), the civilians are on their own to make it to their designated evacuation points.

But fear not: Each organization's COOP, or continuity of operations plan, details the best routes to the emergency locations. The plans even spell out what evacuees should take with them (recommended items: a combination lock, a flashlight, two towels and a small box of washing powder).

Can such an exercise, announced well in advance, hope to re-create any of the tensions and fears of a real crisis? How do you simulate the experience of driving through blazing, radiated, panic-stricken streets to emergency bunker sites miles away?

As the Energy Department stated in its review of Forward Challenge '04, "a method needs to be devised to realistically test the ability of . . . federal offices to relocate to their COOP sites using a scenario that simulates . . . the monumental challenges that would be involved in evacuating the city."

With its new plans and procedures, Washington may think it has thought of everything to save itself. Forward Challenge will no doubt be deemed a success, and officials will pronounce the continuity-of-government project sound. There will be lessons to be learned that will justify more millions of dollars and more work in the infinite effort to guarantee order out of chaos.

But the main defect -- a bunker mentality that considers too many people and too many jobs "essential" -- will remain unchallenged.


William M. Arkin writes the Early Warning blog for washingtonpost.com and is the author of "Code Names: Deciphering U.S. Military Plans, Programs and Operations in the 9/11 World" (Steerforth Press).

Sunday, 4 June 2006

Alan Watt gives information to fight the system.


Watch this video. Unlearn.

Alan Watt




Leonard Cohen, Singer, Songwriter

"The Future"

You don't know me from the wind you never will, you never did. I'm the little Jew who wrote the Bible. I've seen the nations rise and fall. I've heard their stories, heard them all but love's the only engine of survival.

Your servant here, he has been told to say it clear to say it cold, it's over, it ain't going any further. And now the wheels of heaven stop you feel the devil's riding crop get ready for the future it is murder.

Things are going to slide in all directions. Won't be nothing, nothing you can't measure anymore. The blizzard of the world has crossed the threshold and it has overturned the order of the soul. When they said repent I wonder what they meant.

Alan Watt: Hi. I'm Alan Watt and some of you have heard me on radio broadcasts going back to '98 on the "Sweet Liberty" broadcast and shortwave radio. Jackie Patru was the host and we still do an occasional Wednesday night on Internet only this time and we have been for the last year or so.

On these programs we've discussed the histories of mind control basically. We've gone through the histories of ancient religions. How they started up with civilizations. The meaning of civilization. The money system which is part and parcel with religion in the system called civilization. The techniques to control the peoples which haven't really changed that much. The same techniques are used only on a much larger scale plus they have children in school to start indoctrination process early into giving them a type of version of reality of which generally they will never question their whole life long. THEY ACCEPT THE WORLD AS IT'S BEEN PRESENTED TO THEM.

Many, many thousands of years ago civilizations rose and fell and really by civilization we're talking about the creation of "artificial systems." Money of course is an unnatural thing to use for barter. It's of no use in itself. It's supposedly a tool. That's how it's pushed over through economics. So it's a tool which helps barter. It's helps barter you see by using a third party and of course those who introduce the money ultimately control those who barter and those who buy.

From money of course they build cities. Cities are an artificial hive - a "beehive" as Plato called them and through cities these civilizations really are one civilization under many faces. Through the cities they could - because they must use money in a city and they can't draw anything in a city. They can't feed themselves. They're totally artificial. A culture which is fluid and flexible is not a natural thing. At least we don't know what natural culture ever was but it's definitely flexible and pliable and is a science in culture creation is still ongoing and those who know how to manipulate it and to start in the cities where once they have money on the go and they've trained the people outside to accept money for their food products and so on they then build standing army from within the city and with the standing army they go outside the city and conquer other peoples - force them into the system.

Force them to use money. Give them a religion and really THEY'RE REALLY SLAVES and as Charles Galton Darwin said the grandson of Charles Darwin he said that "every civilization has really been a form of slavery for the people," and he was all for it. That was a NATURAL ORDER according to him and of course those who are trained in power and control of the people are trained in this technique since birth.

They're brought up listening to a different version of reality than someone brought up in a local housing area. They're told that the realities of life the predators should be at the top the natural order. They're predators of course because they're such hypocrites. As good predators they can't tell the children how they're really feeding off them or manipulating them for different ends because children don't understand these things and those with the low IQ's you know the little people at the bottom of the hill you've got to keep them in the dark.

The profane. PROFANE in Masonry means "those in the darkness," base people which is a real hypocrisy in itself because it's like breaking the legs of cow and then kicking the cow because they can't get up. That's the hypocrisy of this system and that's how they view the public. They've broken our legs and they hate us because we can't get up. We're pathetic. And of course they claim that we need them. It's like saying that the mice in the fields need the hawk. THIS IS THE LOGIC OF THE PREDATOR.

From the days of Babylon and then before Babylon they called them the Harappan's. This is the name that's been stuck on these people from-by historians just to give them a name but the Harappan culture extended all the way from Egypt right through the Middle East to China and now they're unearthing pre-Sumerian Harappan cities on trade routes and of course they must use the money system to live that very high standard of living these merchants and they even had in-door plumbing. Something that some people today don't have even in Canada and some places.

If you go into the Minoan cultures you'll find the Minoan's in the Aegean Sea controlled all the trade routes. They controlled all the merchandising on the sea, land and everything and they also had in-door plumbing and central heating even and hot water for bathing in and showers you know and they lived a I assume a beautiful lifestyle. They had painted frescos in every room, hand painted and it was just a wonderful existence for this high ancient elite who obviously didn't create the culture themselves or the system.

They had got it from a previous civilization in turn and so it comes to this empire so we're looking at people down through the ages who are intergenerational and who pass their system on to the next and now of course that does seem to be what this is all about because DYNASTIES AND POWER NEVER GIVE UP POWER. When they do move because it was their turn to lose in warfare because they have turns you see. War is to create change and to make profit. Not for what the public thinks it's for.

So sometimes the ones who decide we'll will lose this time. They will actually move to generally their enemies camp which is their friends and share the loot and bring up their children and slap the name of the country on them and they don't care what they call the country.

THE ELITE NEVER, EVER GET MASSACRED OR WIPED OUT with their wealth. They just move. They move all down through the ages. They bring on catastrophes to an empire when they've used that empire up and they've already created another one to move into and then they flatten the old one and move on and this has been the system for thousands and thousands of years at least.

The trick of Darwin was to make you think we just evolved in 200,000 BC and before that he even said 10,000 BC which is rubbish. This whole evolution thing is actually a Masonic doctrine. It's nothing to do with what we think it's meant to be. It's a Masonic doctrine. So Darwin just was pulled out of the hat by the Royal Society which was a Masonic scientific establishment chartered by the British Crown to exist and he basically gave the "Origin of the Species" et cetera to justify the right of certain types to rule and he wasn't talking about other animals or animals. He was talking about themselves over us. So evolution is a caste system. It's to verify a caste system to reinforce it and of course it's worked very well up until now.

So going back to the Minoan's we know they also shared and they were probably very much so a part of the ancient Egyptian elite because the frescos on their walls have the same imageries, styles, techniques used as you'll see in the frescos inside some of the tombs inside-in Egypt and they even had the little curls down at the front locks of the youth that they used to depict youth in Egypt.

So yes, they make perfect sense. A real elite you see wouldn't live in a place where they could be easily attacked. They would have a front-an empire or a city and come in and out of it certainly but they would also have somewhere safe such as in the middle of the Aegean Sea and we know for instance that in a circle in the Aegean Sea of little islands which are left after a volcano goes down they had that huge island there at one time and islands like Thera are the remains from when the tropic volcano sinks into the ocean so these little fringe ones remain and become separate little islands and that's where we get much of the Minoan history from.

Interesting the Minoan's used a double-headed axe in their religious ceremonies the symbol of the fascia which is from down through the ages so we're looking at something the Catholic church used afterwards thousands of years later because Minoan's were around 5,000 to 6,000 BC and here is the same symbology used by their own Catholic church who simply inherited their culture from the Greeks who moved into Rome. The elite that is of course and brought all this symbology with them.

The Greeks got it from the Minoan's. So this is an endless stream of symbology down through the ages of language you might say which they understand very well and which some very high Masons understand and which some people who are natural adepts can figure out themselves but it's not very few of them, but the Catholic church used this Minoan fascia of the axe with the bundle of rods around it meaning "strength was in numbers." When you get one twig you can break it easily but you get a whole bunch of them in a bundle and try to break it in one go it's harder and so the nobility-the ruling elite must stick together at all costs you see-and in the middle of the bundle is the main shaft of the fascia the actual axe itself.

So this is also in the Senate in the Congressional Hall in the U.S. where Mr. Bush now gives his speeches and every other one before him has.

On either side you'll see the fascia symbols or system often elite encircling the center shaft and they're all tied together. They're bound together by oaths you see in blood and money and so on and their own secret religion. So yes, we're creating a system going back way, way back into the mists of time. Civilization to the elite is that which is ABNORMAL.

They create the ABNORMAL. They are the deviants so they create the ABNORMAL. Nothing normal can come out of deviancy. That makes sense.

So you've got an artificial system which "CONNED". The word CON, COHEN, CAIN, KAHN, KING all comes from the same root of PRIEST. They conned people to use money and then of course they could create their cities. Hire people for a standing army. You can't get a bunch of guys together to go and conquer anybody if you don't have some means of keeping them there. Some kind of a reward. They'll just go home eventually. Get bored and fed up.

So money is always the key to this civilization this building process. Building of cities, empires society itself and Freemasons like Albert Pike and Mackey and a whole bunch of other ones are always extolling their own virtues of being able to build society, build culture and just in the Middle Ages where they built their cathedrals and their big huge churches and so on they'd often build them either next to or on top of existing ones and so as they're building new one they're demolishing the old. The old age the system is buried and demolished as they're building up the new one.

So we have an elite who've used war, money, cities, culture creation, religion and all the things that come into the culture festivals generally based on lunar and solar and stellar mythologies to keep the people in check. Keep them happy dumb down stupid and obedient more than anything else because obedience is so important and of course the sun god was one of the greatest ones they've used down through the ages up until the present and it's a reincarnated sun god. You see, it's the same old thing rehashed over and over where the invisible god the "Grand Architect of the Universe" as the Masons call him always chooses a son to-his own son to push life into the world because they claim that without it we the profane are dead you see.

In a sense they're right because if you don't know reality you are dead because living as a human means you're a sentient aware fully conscious being. So you'll find in all religions they have the same terminology and you find it in Christianity to where Jesus says to the guy "let the dead bury their dead," and ministers don't dwell on that because they can't really fathom it out. How can those that are walking around bury the dead? It's because life doesn't mean you're animated which is the big con today. Everybody's rushing around in their cars as fast as they can go and they think they're living because they keep moving and they don't do shopping lists anymore. They've got to just keep moving and have noise blaring all the time and music playing or something you see because they're scared to think.

And those who do not think for themselves are classified as the DEAD in all ages. George Orwell used that even in his "1984" book where Winston and his girlfriend are caught by the thought police before being taken to the Ministry of Love for torture and that's what he says when they're first caught "we are the dead," "we are the dead." That's a little Masonic giveaway meaning that if they had been really alive they would have never been caught like this.

And of course there are many, many degrees of waking up from the dead and in Freemasonry they have a substitute a bunch of rungs on a ladder called degrees for the idiots who join it at the bottom to get up thinking that one day they're going to get hit big magic number and they're going to be a full fledged high Chutzpah you see and they get virtue. Virtue right. They're taught virtue.

All these drunkards and guys who've done everything everybody else has done suddenly have virtue and they think oh my goodness, I'm a 32nd Degree Mason of the Scottish Rite and I am illuminant and I've got virtue. I've got virtue as they cross their palms with silver in their handshakes and pay each other off you see and take all the freebees from the society to live on. You know, cheaper taxation assessments with a nudge, a wink, a nod and a handshake to the assessor and the same thing with the policeman that catches them speeding. Is there no one to help a poor widow's son? Why is that? Why?

So you get all this rubbish you see and these guys are just bottom feeders. They're low-end predators because who else would join a society with secrets as they call themselves without knowing what it's all about. All they know is what the Masons make sure that everyone's always known. If you join us you get up the ladder in life. You get little special favors.

So this is the rubbish you see that goes into Freemasonry. They're low level bottom feeders because they want all the little freebees and it doesn't matter to them if their neighbor who's a profane one. Now this guy who's exactly the same as them is now profane and if he gets a bigger tax assessment and he has to pay his speeding charges and so on. It doesn't matter to him this guy's suffering while he's not. That's the Masonic Creed. It's a scratch my back and I'll scratch yours dogma you see.

Of course it doesn't stop there because a circle is 360 degrees and these are the prunes don't go up terribly high especially first generation Masons because there's also a breeding program involved and they can trace us back down again way back to Sumer and so on of intergenerational breeding and selective breeding. So don't let Darwin think that he came up with this idea himself.

In fact, you'll find it today in history his grandfather had already written a book about it long before he did and there's a Masonic dogma he's preaching the right to rule by an elite you see. A superior intellectual elite who are not afraid to use aggression and kill if need be. Always for your own sake you understand. That's a good predatory excuse but somehow they can rationalize that but then we are the children and what do we know. You can't scare the children by telling them the truth and in a sense at the stage we're at today that is true. In a sense it's very true. The children don't want to hear it.

So you've got an endless seam of merchandising, money lending, interest gathering priesthoods going down through the thousands and thousands of years and intergenerational families who are taught a different reality than the ones at the bottom. They go to the little red school houses. In Britain it's little red brick school houses as the elite refer to them. Of course their universities are also granite stone where the ordinary muck can go to the red bricked universities.

Margaret Thatcher back in the early '80s came under fire in a sense if that's possible for subsidizing private schooling for the wealthy using tax money to subsidize the wealthy and she rationalized it by telling the truth as they very often do and she said well this is where your future leaders are coming from. Your future industrial leaders, political leaders, economists and so on they come from these schools and this is where they meet each other. They'll grow up in life knowing each other and they'll all be in the right positions and she was telling the truth so there's nothing strange about that. They do tell the truth very often.

It's the public when they hear it they say I know I heard that but they can't really mean what they say. So the public we're trained this way you see. You train the abused to love the abuser. The public can't quite fathom this and so they make excuses for them. Well I guess she had a bad day to say what she said or well the problems that she's got on her plate I don't blame her. You see this is the rationale.

So an intergenerational elite with many priesthoods in Sumer had oh so many priesthoods dealing with the legal system and real estate and subdivisions of real estate and wills, death duties and taxes and so on. Everything that bureaucracies do today. Some of them change their clothing. They wear suits and ties today or white coats like scientists.

So this system has gone down through the ages always taking themselves to another place and destroying that which was left behind them yet leaving it in such a way-leaving some low level controllers there to make sure it's standardized. That way when you get a bigger empire over here they can then lump this back into it again the old one so they create bigger and bigger empires and this is part of the great work as they call it they claimed again 4,500 BC "The Big Idea" as Mr. George Bush, Sr. called it "The Big Idea." The BB-to BEE OR NOT TO BEE says Shakespeare for those who know.

So on we go down through the ages until we see their target in site and they've told us the age you see of Aquarius. There's many reasons for Aquarius being Aquarius. First off even in the New Testament because Jesus was the sign of Pisces a fish. Fisherman of men. The first guys he recruits were fisherman. The philosopher king. Pythagoras type of thing and the electi used the fish symbol wherever they went as a sign of Christianity before they used the cross and in fact the cross was used for the inner sect because there's always an esoteric for the public and a real meaning for the initiates.

So the cross was always used as a symbol of the sun but the fish of course was for the public - for the profane. So Aquarius has ruled for over 2,000 odd years and now we're going to Aquarius.

So in the New Testament they have Jesus saying going into town and you see a guy carrying a picture of water which is Aquarius of course and you borrow his coat and so then you see right in there you see they give you the clue that this would be the time for the next coming you see of man the new type.

The age in Aquarius of peace and understanding. Well peace is not peace as you know it. Peace comes when there's absence of consciousness and opposition to this agenda. That's what they mean by peace and peace comes when there's not enough of you to cause trouble and those that are left don't have a functioning brain to use. That's peace hence the rush towards chips and chipping the brain and implants and stuff like that and a totally controlled society.

They want peace. They don't want to give us all this media nonsense. This constant propaganda to keep us running in circles and you know chewing the grass like good little sheep and it takes away from their profits because they want pure profit you see. They want 100% profit from us and they've got to allow us to entertain ourselves to keep us obedient and grazing and sports and circuses and all that kind of thing you see and buying toys. Junk from China. The rewards - little Pavlovian rewards at the end of the month.

That's all taken from their ultimate profit and that upsets them because it's not efficient enough and THIS SYSTEM THAT'S COMING INTO BEING SEE THEY WANT COMPLETE UTTER EFFICIENCY WHEREA PERSON WILL NOT BE BORN UNLESS THEY HAVE A WORK FOR YOU TO DO.

Otherwise you can sell your body parts as an inducement and get some profit from investment and we've gone down through a horror show down through the ages of watching people being oppressed. Doing what they do naturally which is to resist so you have force and for every force there's an equal and opposite reaction and then of course then they control the conflict to bring it the conclusion, the synthesis of it all and before you know it we've just moved into where they want us to go.

WE ARE THE SHEEP. They are the GOOD SHEPHERDS. Good shepherd's pat the sheep. They know them by name. The sheep come up to them and like them because sheep don't know what they're there for. They think that they're there to be happy. They don't know - they don't even ask why does the Shepherd spend so much taking care of us and talking to us and that's because the sheep don't know what they're there for. They don't know their function is to feed the Shepherd. Make a profit as they take the wool and fleece them you see and that's a good shepherd.

A bad shepherd sharpens the knives in front of the sheep and slaughters one the rest of them are terrified. They run off when they see them. So the good shepherd wears a suit and tie and says I promise to help you but if whatever category you put yourself into which are pigeon hole-ready made pigeon hole you put yourself. I'm left wing. I'm right wing. I'm up. I'm down. Whatever it was. It's their system and they lead you to where they want you to go which is the Abatoir but you're not suppose to know that until it happens. Poor things. You don't frighten the children.

So you tell them what they call in Masonry the NOBLE LIE and they give us noble lies all the time well we can't tell the people the truth poor things they wouldn't understand and so they've had debates down through the thousands of years and many of them need it for work of course when they needed lots of labor they bred them up until they procreate multiply and yeah-de yeah and they did and they slaved away quite willingly for their masters and when there's too many of them the elite would get together and say lets have a war and call some off and they do that too and of course since really the 1500s when the Rosicrucian movement broke into the surface openly in England that's when the real push was on for now a more expert run society.

In the 1700s it really took off with all the different writers amongst the interbred elite like Charles Darwin. Charles Darwin's family only interbred with one other family for generations and that was the Wedgewood family, the famous pottery Wedgewood's of England and his grandfather married one. This father married one. Charles married one and then when his wife died he married his mother's sister another Wedgewood. So they're all Wedgewood's and Darwin's all mixed together you see until they bring some other outside blood to Galton's another sweet bunch who believed in population reduction and so they end up with or Charles did anyway had ten children from his first wife and even died in childbirth or two died in insane asylums very young. Too interbred you see.

But that's part of the program initiated by the elite through Rosicrucianism when they had to build up a middle class to manage what was coming the industrial era needing a middle class of obedient middle class people who would in turn look down their noses at the people they just left at the bottom of the heap. So the middle classes would become very snobbish. They had their own version of Masonry. Not a noble order like the elite had. They had a version which they didn't know there was anything else except the one they joined. They thought this was, I've made it. I'm finally up the mountain.

So this con game's gone on and on and on and of course in the 1700s with the French Revolution we see it coming to a new open dimension what you see it opening up where they actually killed off during the revolution thousands and thousands of ordinary French peasants because it wasn't just the elite they were going after they wanted to cull off what they thought was excess population in the provinces of France and they towed them out in barges and blew them up and stuff like that. Very sweet and this was their idea of a scientifically run society by an intellectual elite and this has gone right on until today.

We are now run by so many bureaucracies and expert NGO groups that speak for us even though we don't know who they are. This is who's running the world today. A world run by the "Natural Order" they call it just the intellectual elite those who have proven as H.G. Wells said they have proven to history and to the wealthier families have accumulated for centuries that they are the natural elite. They have the right to control the lesser. You see those in profane. Those guys at the bottom of the hill there. You know the guys that Moses left behind.

And that's the story about Moses of course. MOSES WASN'T A REAL PERSON. It was a myth that was born from Egypt and before that from India and it's nothing to do with a person as such or a wandering captive people. It's the "Natural Order" according to the mystery religion because the so-called Israelites who had been slaves were still slaves were still base people so in the story which is exoteric and esoteric they're down at the bottom of the mountain and it's lightening and thunder going around there so they can't get up. They can't follow Moses up the mountain because only the illuminant man you see-the illuminant man the one who's illumine and has spirit. You see, THE PROFANE DON'T HAVE SPIRIT. THERE'S the BIG SECRET you see. You're base. You're creatures of instinct as Paul said in the New Testament.

So with the mob who are slaves stay slaves basically and they stay there and of course being slaves and dumb and stupid they make a golden calf because the slaves the base ones want a two-legged or at least a four-legged something solid anyway to worship. They don't want a god or something that they can't see, feel and touch. They want to worship something physical and so Moses the illumine one goes up the mountain up the degrees up the scale to talk to God. He went where the rest could not follow. That's what it means. That's the simple esoteric story of it and Moses of course in Egyptian means "CHILD". Unless you become as a child you cannot see the kingdom of heaven you see. Ramoses is as child of Ra. Thuthmoses is as child of Pa and on and on we go.

So we've been under tremendous mind control for such a long, long, long, time. The law under intense control and the Masons again in their own publications will tell you there's a Masonic push to have universal education the same education worldwide to standardize a bunch of schmucks who never question reality. Who accept reality as it's presented to them from birth and that's what good management means. The schmucks don't know they're schmucks.

When you see the people coming out of colleges and universities the way the cloak - you see the cloak used to be always black for Saturn. Now they use red ones. I've noticed they're very popular. I saw a pinkish red actually which is even more telling for both sexes and if you're an architect you see or an engineer you understand technical drawings.

You see things in a way differently from other people because most people see the solid front of an object. They don't see the different aspects. The front view. The top view. The side view. They can't put a picture in their minds but the architect does and of course when you're wearing a little haud as the brick masons call it they used a haud where they carried the bricks up the ladder. That's what they put them on and that square represents that you see. The squaring of the head. So the round head is not natural the rolling stone and has the perfect squared head you see. The ashlar as they call it in Masonry is now perfected so nature wasn't good enough. By themselves they will perfect nature and that's what they say in Masonry. They're here to perfect that which is less than perfect. Well guess what that means? Everything including you.

And you look from the top view of course on these little square head and people with the gowns on and dresses and you'll see that. You'll see the square and if you were to see the head and then you think you see square and the circle within the middle of the squaring of the circle. You see that's what it means. The squaring of the circle. The squaring of your brain. A brick in the wall and it really means that you've got a quality approval stamp on you by those who run the system that they've dumb you down and you're now stupid enough to work in their system and fork over 40 to 50% of your our earnings to them you see.

In the old days they needed - slave drivers. Slave drivers take away from your profit and who watches the slave drivers? You see so we are self-maintained slaves through money that we think is natural like gravity simply because it exists in our time when we live and that's how easy it is to control us.

WE ARE SELF MAINTAINED SLAVES. WE'RE TRAINED FOR ONE THING AND THAT'S WORK IN A SYSTEM TO PRODUCE AND CONSUME and whether you're producing or consuming with all the sales taxes you're still paying lots of tax money and of course that goes back to the elite of course who use the money for big projects which we all supposedly call public projects, big huge projects like building railroads across continents and gas works in Britain and water works and roadways and then when they have it all working and all the problems ironed out they sell it to each other for peanuts you see. That's called progress and all these schmucks keep doing it.

People watch this down through the centuries and Europe as these huge projects were built up by the taxpayer. We're all working for the common good, the common good and then gee whiz one day they tell you we can't go on like this you know. It's too expensive. We need to have more professional people with a motive, a profit motive to take care of us. An incentive to make things work so they could pick it up for a raffle and of course one of the handful of the elite Masonic buddies gets to win it for peanuts. So it's a beautiful world this road to progress. This destiny of progress.

It's never been defined to the public exactly where you're going and that's not by chance. Although it is told you legally through movies and novels and even songs because that's called "predictive programming" because legally they must tell you what they're doing and they do all the time in the movies and novels and music.

Plato described the whole technique. Today, we call it a form of indoctrination of "predictive programming." Which means that through fiction or through anything - you're enjoying yourself you're being entertained under cover. ENTERTAIN. TAIN comes from tin the cover. When you're under the cover your sense or part of your mind is not working and if it's not working you're unaware that you're being downloaded like a computer and so all the little emotional techniques they use and you're identifying with a hero or the female as the heroine and those people in between these days and all that kind of stuff once you start identifying the characters they've got you because they can take you anywhere no matter what that character does because as long as you identify this much with them they then can take you that much into where they want you to go emotionally and so when the real things started happening in your own life you say well this is kind of familiar to me and you don't object to it because you're thinking well I guess it's the only way we could go in society in this particular area.

I guess it's a natural evolution but then your mind was prepared because these guys are the shepherds you know. They've another bunch of slaves and scientists that work for them who do this mind control business and they farm us to an extent.

First of all, they know where they want to grow in this field with the crop they want to grow and how high and how many and they first prepare the land. They cut the brush. They plow it. They harrow it. They do all the necessary ground work and then they sow the seed and watch it grow you see and cultivate it.

Watch what they do with your mind in preparation for every event that will happen in your life in every major event in your life. You'll see in all through movies especially in this day and age in the last century it was primarily in the 20th century it was primarily novels and stage plays and music halls et cetera but today it's in everybody's TV. The one-eyed set the eye of Lucifer or Ra you know. They tale of Levi Zion and then they program it right into you for entertainment and then you see it happening in your life and you think well I guess that's okay. It's sort of natural isn't it and you don't think anymore beyond that. Where did the idea come from in the first place? It's marketed to you through entertainment and that's the prime for reason for entertainment.

It's not for you to sit and have music while you chew the grass like good little sheep. It's to program you and that's why you have to have BIG BUCKS to get into the entertainment industry. You have to pay BIG BUCKS and you must be qualified in being a very high degree Mason who knows the scores as they say because they can't let any Joe Blow come in.

Plato said that thousands of years ago. "CULTURE IS CREATED FROM THE TOP AND PUT DOWN TO THE PEOPLE." You're taught it comes from the grass roots you see and withers or blossoms or weeds that grow it doesn't because they can't allow anything to come from the grass roots because it's not in their plan they never tell the unforetold consequences the most simplest seemingly innocent thing could possibly do. The rippling effects and what it would effect and so on. So everything comes from the top down in this culture creation business and it's always been that way in civilization. What normality was we haven't a clue.

Prior to the incoming of these characters with their system-the ancient system of money, conology, you know priesthoods and merchandising and rulerships. Ruler of course comes from the ruler. The ruler they use in school, the ruler. Everything is Masonic terminology. Cane is the same thing too. He's a priest, he's also a builder. Cain was the first artificer the first scientist who made things with metals and so on weaponry. And you have a ruler. A cane is also a ruler. They use to use the canes - the bulrushes to make rulers in ancient Middle East.

So they rule us and they measure us you see and a good ruler weights you in the balance as they say and if you're found wanting he won't have you around because he wants efficiency and that's where we're going today with pure efficiency school to work. School to work.

Now when you listen to the elite talking if you ever mix amongst them you'll hear them discuss this kind of stuff quite freely. Oh the people need us. The masses, the peasants, the profane. They need us. It's like saying the mice in the field need that hawk and so they rationalize this nonsense.

They can never look at themselves honestly because good psychopaths cannot. They run on ego, super ego. That's why they're PSYCHOPATHS and they get their way regardless of the consequences to anyone around them because they have no empathy for others. Now they can work together as long as they're working towards a common goal and they're always sharing the loot but the time obviously comes when good psychopaths have to turn on each other and it will eventually come one day as the throne of the world comes into sight and each one wants his name chiseled in stone as they always do these guys. A statue and his name chiseled in stone. He's the first king of the whole entire planet. And they're all chomping at the bit to get it. So the cooperation won't last forever. That doesn't help the masses of course because in the meantime they are being called off.

Population control counsels were held by Britain under Thomas Malthus in the 1700s and they discussed methods of culling off the excess people through disease or creating housing schemes basically on swamp lands and unhealthy areas. Stuff that we did to the American Indians in other words. Put them in areas where they can't eat very well and the climate isn't the best and the swamp eating mosquitoes or whatever and plagues breakout and they even had it worked out under Malthus that the poor houses that they created where they threw you in when you were broke you see or you owed money for your rent as most folks did. They rented in Britain for instance in Europe and if you didn't have money they throw you in a debtors prison which costs you money by they way. That was added to what you owed and then they kicked you out into the poor house where you were forced to work until you died and you didn't last long. In the poor house most women and children lasted six months at the most and this was called a more efficient way of disposing of the POOR UNFORTUNATES as they called them.

This is the REAL HISTORY which isn't hidden if you want to find it. It's not a nice drama like a docudrama like TV or Anne of Green Gables. All the rubbish that they feed you because people get most of their history today through romantic novels and stuff like that. There was nothing romantic about the 1700s, the 1800s or the 1900s. For most people it was a horror show and that horror show has been slightly alleviated at the moment because the biggest change of all is coming into view the completion of the "Great Work."

You know the one that started 4,500 BC where they see themselves running the world in a scientific manner. The natural order or the stupid ones they won't exist if they're too stupid and there'll be no free thought or free opinion and we see it all today with all the political correctness and all this kind of stuff being forced down our throats. It's actually being implemented and unfortunately the people themselves are their own worst enemy.

It's like the "Matrix One" movie because they show you in the Matrix movie since the elite themselves they ultimately give you those movies you're cheering on the guy you thinks the good guy but you've got it all mixed up you see. This is themselves they're talking about. The new and. Neo Anderson. Andra from the Greek Andrus - man, Neo ANDERSON. The new SON OF MAN. The new messiah. The new messiah. The Superman with all these superpowers. You see that's where Superman comes from. It's the superpowers. That's what gets us into the next age. Those who can't do that will not be allowed into the next age and it's no coincidence is identical this Freemasonry of the European elite. There's no coincidence. It's identical within dualistic theology. A caste system.

There's a Hinduism to at the end of the ages. Those who are unworthy to come into the next must perish. They must not be allowed into the next age and so we see the massive spraying in the skies. We see all the inoculations being dished out people getting sicker. Adolescent arthritis now. Inoculations more and more of them and all the propaganda on television that we're force fed through - it's always law - always law series or hospital series and drama and detectives and DNA swap testing and all this stuff. It's all training you, you see.

It's all propaganda to make you OBEY these AUTHORITIES, these specialists. Law, medicine and the courts and science DNA and scientific techniques of finding things out you see. It's training you to accept this as a natural order because it's nothing like the reality. Nothing like the reality but it is good entertainment and it's good programming for the people and towards an end that they don't even think about because they're not taught to think.


The first thing you learn in school is to "repeat after me." If you repeat after me you get a little gold star and if you're not repeating and you're very good at repeating then people call you clever. That's nothing to do with being clever. That's being a good parrot. Repeating after me is a good parrot. That's what they want because then you get the quality approval stamp. Square your head. You're now unnatural. You're dumb enough to get into their system. So that's the real system we live within you see.

It's quite funny really. Tragically funny because they can't tell the people we have been killing you. They can't tell them. Don't tell the children what you're - the poor things wouldn't understand poor dears. We find the same thing with Afrikaaners in Africa. That's how they talked about the blacks. Well you see you can't help them because they're children really. They have children's mentality so you can't really be straightforward with them. Oh that's how the elite treat all of us.

To the elite the peasantry of China is no lower than the peasantry in Europe or the Americas because they believe in elite breeding and the elite breeders of every country rule every country therefore it's one big club. You've proven your worth to join. You're worthy as they say in Masonry.

Second generation Masons or first generation Masons can't get terribly high unless they marry an Eastern Star and bring up a son. An offspring. A special - it's a breeding program. You'll see it in the Rosicrucian books where they keep tongue and cheek hinting for the very stupid because it's meant to pickup every stupid into these societies and through almost stumbling over each other they tell you that selection, selection is very important.

SELECTIVE BREEDING is what they're getting at and don't let the lower head rule the upper head is what they say to them and nobody understands that. That's why it's always in their language. So it's a breeding program and a first generation Mason can't get up terribly high even in the second degree of the Scottish Rite but if he marries an Eastern Star who's again is up two generations then the offspring can go higher-the son of the Mason and then the third generation can go much higher still. So you're breeding upwards through selective breeding and they've wisely chosen for you at that level just like the nobilities wives have always been chosen for the men.

What you do in your free time when you're not breeding is up to yourselves as long as you're both kept in a good financial style. She can do what she wants and you can do what you want. There's no love there. LOVE is something which is FAIRLY NEW that's been MARKETED TO THE PUBLIC because people even in the past in the lower orders of things married out of necessity. Male and female and they really didn't have a good life. Either one.

When the Normans came into Britain and introduced this wonderful system of lordship over the public and also subservient to the king the head chutzpah and then you have the lords and the feudal lords below them and the sub-lords they're servicing and they're own patch to guard over and use the peasantry were bought and sold with the land and in English they elected to change it to SURFS.

They didn't like the word slavery because we're a Christian country and we can't have that in our history books so we call them surfs. So 90% of the public were surfs you see and they were bought and sold with the land. It started from the time the Norman invasion who brought civilization to Europe. This is the same civilization through slaughtering people. Massively financially backed as well. Just many years in the making this and tremendous logistics in keeping them all supplied at sea and land was much bigger than WWII and costs and the whole thing and time.

So this is an ancient system coming through here backing it heavily and it was a must be. THEY HAD TO CONQUER EVERYTHING AND ELIMINATE ALL OPPOSITION WHICH THEY DID and they were terrible rulers. They were inhumane. Terribly inhumane.

So the Normans came in and they had the "Domesday Book" created you see. The "Domesday Book" was an inventory of all that they owned. All that the king owned and that was people, livestock, houses, children, chickens everything. It was a complete inventory of whole land that he owned and that was nothing new because the ancient pharaohs had the same system in Egypt and it was nothing new because the Normans also - a lord would put out his son to a relative, to an uncle or whatever you see another lord and he would become taught the ways of knighthood through this relative. That was traditional with Normans.

When you jump back to the pharaohs they did the same thing because their sons would get sent off to different "satrapy" they called them little princes-satrapy and they get brought up and taught the ways of being noble and a warrior a knight you see. The same bunch all down through history. The same techniques. Money, priesthoods, power, slaughter, armies and the people have to produce.

Now the Normans allowed the peasantry to keep maybe 40% or so or 60% of their crops and there was no intensive farming then. They didn't have all the high tech yeah-de-yeah they do today so crops weren't often terribly huge but the lord would take 40% or even 60% of yours and keep enough for his staff and his armies and sell all the rest for profit and then profit had to be split all the way up to the king at the top.


So we have these Normans taking that off. Well today when you work out we are allowed to keep if you work through all the taxes hidden taxes and so on purchases taxes and income taxes and property taxes you're paying more than that yourself. Today so it's pretty well the same. The only difference is they don't have to send the army around through the forest to slaughter you and beat you into submission to make you pay up because we do it willingly because we're trained to do it willingly. We're trained better.


Now some people - there are many sides to this whole system here and on today's talk all I'm really talking about really is the physical side of things. Some of it. It's incredibly clever. It's by using sciences which are not taught to the general public. The mind control manipulation.

They have perfect understand of their prey. They're the perfect predator. That's why on their coat of arms they have all these predatory animals and Albert Pike the Grand Master the big Pope of Scottish Freemasonry in the 1800s said "we make no apologies for nature" and then he goes on to tell the different animals they hunt you see. In other words, they make no apologies for being called predators and that's their natural order.

At the bottom of course the schmucks at the bottom they go to the Blue Lodge and 1,2,3 degrees and think we'll I've made it you know and these guys are little prunes who walk around collecting charging money. That's the cover for the guys at the top. Sudden virtue. They have sudden virtue.

They want to help people now as they call it freebees that they're getting through the system. So yes, there's one side which is all sides perfect understanding of human nature. All kinds-types of human nature. Perfect understanding.

Nothing is new under the sun as they say. There's also a religion behind this and their religion on one level as I say is very Darwinistic. Darwin only espoused what they had already been believing themselves for many thousands of years.

In the movie "2001" Arthur C. Clarke, very high Freemason gives you the agenda of High Freemasonry. Not the schmuckdom freemasonry but the high stuff. He gives you their agenda and their philosophy and their religion in the movie and then at the beginning of the movie "2001" made in the 1960s they show you the ape man you know the hairy guys supposedly and the new guys are terrified of the darkness and they're go to their caves at night and in the morning they go across the warring bowl and meet this other tribe of ape man and they shake their fists and go through a little dance-a song and dance and then they muffle off on their own separate ways and that's how things have gone on forever and the little sequences around they're showing you there's a big part you see is part of their religion.

You'll understand all this later and this way you've got tree brush shaped like a big snake you see and some of the emblems - these are actually Masonic emblems high occultic emblems you see all through it and even though the story eventually goes into space it starts with these cave men and an obelisk comes down. There's this black obelisk.

In the book it's more detailed because the obelisk throws its cave men out one by one and based on jumped around and stuff and its testing them out to see who's got the best smarts and he picks one of them and one day the watering hole and instead of going over and shaking their fist and screaming and having to drink more and go home this one picks up a bone because the love of the skull and the cross bones of Masonry the pirates right. He picks up the thigh bone and then he smashes his enemy over the waterhole there and he kills him and that's telling you that's their right of might. The right of might. He will kill a superior and then they give you religions for being meek and mild. They teach another one for themselves.

Progress. You see that have a thing called "progress." They hate something called stagnant civilization. Rested civilizations and to them it's a progress and progress to them is done through those who are willing to kill and become the top chutzpah of the king. King of the ape men and then it jumps from there into the future to the year 2001 and then a space journey encounters supposedly on the trail of this obelisk that they unearthed. Ends up on Jupiter but it's all occultic. It's nothing to do with space travel. There's a Masonic initiation in it. You will see the computer HAL on board the spaceship traveling to Jupiter. Kills off two of the guys that are with him and then tries to kill off the third guy and he outsmarts it and disables it meaning he overcame all the natural laws.

HAL is the son like HALOGEN you know. HAL-CEON. HAL and H-A-L one letter after each one in the alphabet is IBM you see. IBM you speak it and it's I-beam the beam from the eye, the eye of Ra. The beaming from the eye is between the pyramid the capstone and the rest of the pyramid.

So everything is shown to you. It's not necessary you understand. It's only necessary that you think you understand whatever comes out of these movies chomping away at - ah it's a good movie. What's next. Have no idea what it means.

And then "2010" is a follow-up to the movie and it shows you what's suppose to happen in 2010 and so there's a big thing at the end where this guy who escapes the computer remembers in the next movie he's timeless, he's ageless as he's become a god because he overcame HALCEON you see the son the natural order he overcame all the laws and he's a god and a new sun appears in the sky but "as above so below" so a new sun will appear on the earth. A messiah, a being, an entity, whatever it is. They bring force to you with much hullabaloo and fanfare I'm sure.

But they're telling you their system. They show you their religion from evolution which is their belief system both physical and spiritual because they do believe in reincarnation but they don't believe that everybody reincarnates. There's a whole theology behind that even though encouraged to believe in it amongst the lesser as they call it. They have a different belief system for themselves specialized one. Well naturally that's a special one. You can't foresee what is everyone else. So there's the physical and inbreeding which is terribly, terribly important to them because it's part of the spiritual recycling you might say of the same dynasties within dynasties and that's what they claim gives them their power and intellect and the right to dominate and so on and they give us religions.

Religion is to tie to rebind to retie. They tie our minds down. When you're tied you're not free to think and we're told we're free so that's how it compensates. We're told we're free even though we're crippled at birth by a system which is indoctrination.

And now they're getting to the stage where they're going to declare their world government. The scientific established elite bureaucracy to run us all you see. Massive bureaucracy. Lenin talked about it because he was in on it. He was created by the same guys. They create all oppositions. You can't get progress unless you have opposition to fight because that's how you stir up matter. You stir up the world. You can't have one law coming this way and going unimpeded apart from having no fun in that and the fact is it will never succeed.

You've got to get the public to go along with it so you need oppositions. So they give you all the oppositions and none of that comes the way you want it to go which is sheep dogs. Bark, bark and the sheep go this way. One sheep dog and you try to do it you see them run in all directions. Beautiful really isn't it?

So they give us good shepherds down through the ages with this little shepherd crook to pull you and they are crooks. That's where the word comes from. THEY ARE THE CROOKS AT THE TOP AND THEY ARE VERY PROUD OF IT.

And we have sun gods all down through the ages and we have Mary's all down through the ages and there are all these virgins and of course there's so many sun gods all down through the ages who come back and tells the same stuff and iron crosses because the sun crosses you see at the meridian points and so on and the sun sets highest in its crossing and we have the cross of the sun and WE'VE BEEN CONNED MIGHTILY. We've fought each other over all this rubbish. We've been very predictable sheep indeed.

Always learning but never knowing. NEVER KNOWING.

Data. This data doesn't mean it's truth or anything else. We're stuffed full of incredible data today. That doesn't mean it's true or any of it or even that it's necessary to know.

The only person who could be natural today would be a few survivors in the Amazon today who haven't been caught yet and handed a credit card and cell phone because these are called "primitive societies" and there's some left in Borneo and different places HAVE NO NEED of psychiatry or medicine or pharmaceutical agencies. They don't know what high blood pressure was or diabetes or therapy or psychoanalysis. Didn't know who Freud was. Didn't care and didn't need him or Einstein or any rest of the other rubbish because that's what they are. Actually, there're rubbish. They're front men chosen at a particular time to push a specific dogma. They even create the dogmas.

These "primitive men" as they call them really are probably more in tuned with our reality more than we could ever imagine. You'll see them staring in the jungle at a tree away some where. They'll stare for two or three hours. Well that's got meaning for the person. To us we'd say well what's the profit in it? What the purpose? Profit, purpose. But you see he's getting some mental healing out of it whatever it is happening and as long as he's doing it live and let live. Leave him alone. He doesn't need pills and tranquilizers and all that star TV or soaps or anything else. This guy can survive in his own way and all of his offspring will survive for thousands and thousands of years if you leave them alone. We can't. We are interdependent on the system. The system that makes us go crazy makes you interdependent on the system.

Wow, we've got the pills to cure you. Well we can't cure you but we can treat you for life. There's no profit in curing you but just live for a few more years and keep paying us and we'll make you feel happy or sad or whatever you want we'll give it to you and that's what we're told is the meaning of life, being happy all the time. That's a new phenomena this ego-syntonic behavior. It didn't use to be taught your purpose in life was to be happy all the time like some sort of manic ecstasy.

That's all you see now is now is marketed on every ad to you. If you're buying a toothbrush to an exercise machine you have smiling people and grinning like balloons and you know what they are doing they're grinning and happy they just bought this whatever it is and that's what we're told you see. Life is suppose to be happy. Be happy you know the song. That was the message. That's all the message it was in that dumb song. Don't worry, be happy. Don't worry, be happy.

Life is suppose to be an experience of ALL emotions and it's in between emotions, neither happy nor sad. But they can't have that you see. When you're neither excessively happy or sad you might think and if you think that could be a danger to those that RULE YOU.

That's why you're crammed with all these choices of do my thinking today. How many channels on TV can I get or how many radio stations - now they've got satellite stations for radio now, there's not many of them or how many video games can I play with today but give me someone else's thoughts because I don't want to use my own. It's too much of a burden. THINKING IS A BURDEN.

In fact, when it comes to the brain chip time and of course they carved the active chipped ID card which is coming that's only a part way gesture towards this is to condition you for the inevitable and most people will think and of course it will be marketed-the lies will be marketed to them. The purpose of it and the public will think well gee this is great. I want mine. They might even give you bronze, silver, gold and platinum to give it snob appeal.

Once everyone has one the real function will kick in once that's happened and THERE WILL BE NO MORE YOU and this is from science meetings, world science meetings have said this. They have all this ready to go so they can market this idea to the public.

It's being done through movies at the moment in novels, characters even so they think there're going to be Supermen but they're not. They might be physically as a good rook cyborg but they won't be themselves. THERE WILL BE NO ABILITY TO EVEN PERCEIVE OF YOUSELF AS A DISTINCT INDIVIDUAL and that was said at the Loyola University meeting where they held one of these world science meetings on this very subject.

So we're guided like sheep to the slaughterhouse. Most will go willingly because they've swallowed reality hook, line and sinker as it's been presented to them. Those who understand what's going on are caught in different degrees of sides. Join a patriot side. Join a militia side. Join this that and the other and call these sides are given for you by the same elite who run things at the present.

"THEY'VE ALWAYS GIVEN US OUR HEROES TO FOLLOW, ALWAYS." Albert Pike said that. We always give the people their heroes. That's why they never lose. So you don't follow people. These are the masters of manipulation. The masters of manipulation. You really think you can beat them by learning the law and using their law against them?

The only way you can beat this is starting with yourself because you have to know yourself and start to dominant yourself and think for yourself because we are up against incredible, incredible evil. I hate even using the word because the whole English language is all Masonic and EVIL IS JUST LIVE BACKWARDS.

Everything is coded this way in the English language. So even the words we're given is a computer language for the elite so we can speak it into existence for them.

There are other languages to more than just that. Other senses we can use. They're just mental imagery great symbol as well. They use symbols all the time to indoctrinate us. Words, letters are just symbols although they have occultic meaning in Masonry and higher but ultimately what kind of mind is running this whole thing that's not human obviously. That's what gets you yet in a loss are human psychopaths working for them. Clever psychopaths and dumb ones too. The dumb ones are generally used for executions in wartime and stuff. Torture and that kind of thing.

The more intelligent ones are up wearing suits and ties and lying to you. That's the gift that psychopath has is the ability to lie without emotion and speak no matter what they've done without pills. What's above all this is they can plan all this such a long time ago never lose control down through the eons is worshiped by the high elite themselves and their strange rituals. It runs all religions even the ones that think they're opposing each other and the subsections of the religions that think they're opposing each other. They gave all these ones to the people.

What are we really up against here? And those who are willing to open Pandora's Box will eventually come to this big question. Is there any white knight out there? Is there a cavalry coming at the last minute and it's all in the books and in the novels and the movies and religions because you have to participate in life to offset this and participating in life which means KNOW YOURSELF, COME ALIVE and use your life for it because if you don't it's game over for everyone.

Most people don't care about anyone else today and that's true. I've heard it so many times. Well thank God. By the time they bring the last part of this in I'll be dead. I'll probably be retired and I'll spend my pension I'll be dead thank God because they don't give a damn you see about those that they come which also means that they don't give a damn about all of their own ancestors that came before them and suffered and slaved and so on so that they could relax with a pension.


Ego-syntonic behavior has been encouraged and it's very possible brain damage has occurred as well since Arthur Koestler who worked at the United Nations and wrote a book called "The Ghost in the Machine" and who worked on ways to lobotomize that part of the brain that gives you yourself awareness and your critical survival capabilities. He was working on ways to destroy that chemically, bacteria logically, through viruses whatever. There's different segments working for the U.N. on this and he wrote about it all in his book. He was all for it right to the end. It's a square line to you and he said that the elite won't need - I mean that the peasants basically - the masses won't need those instincts anymore because the scientific elite will be making all their decisions for them. We'll be managed, well managed you see.

Whereas those who manage us must keep theirs because they must retain survival capabilities so they could steal your planet earth into the future and that's what the rulers at the top talk about it of course as they talk about us. We must not know this kind of stuff. We're just children. It'll give us nightmares. Don't tell the children what we're doing.

But the IQ levels are dropping. It doesn't happen by-you're born with an IQ. When it starts dropping something has happened to make that happen. What can do it? Bacterial warfare? Bio warfare techniques? Injections that we were discussing this back in the 1700s and 1800s using inoculations to do it at big meetings in Europe.

You'll find Jack Costeau talking about that. David Suzuki in Canada. Have to bring down the populations. Well they don't just talk about it. They have a Department of Population Control at the United Nations. What do you think it means? A wish list that they sit and dream about. No. It means that they will implement it and they can't tell the children. They can't tell the children hey you're going to have a shorter life. You're going to come down with crippling diseases and you'll die out there. They can't tell you the truth. You don't tell the children the truth. It's scary.

So much to encompass. So much, so many directions. So much of the esoteric to explain to you. So much of the exoteric to explain to you for things to start happening. So I went through doing all of this talk. This is just a little intro. Just gives you a petty quick synopsis of the past and the present and where we're going in the future. Very short actually.

We're getting sprayed like bugs from the sky with those who have eyes to see. Like bugs. Just like bugs. Like you take a can or Raid and spray it over an ant hill. That's what they think of us and not one person in major media will talk about it. Why?


It's not all gloom and doom. It's not all gloom and doom at all but before you can save others you've got to save yourself and to do that you have a lot of work to do. A lot of decisions to make. Most can't make those decisions. Most will say hey, leave Pandora's Box closed it's scary in there. It could be dark. I might fall in but there's always brave souls who will and that's the ones who come alive. The dead will never make choices. The choices are made for them.

So excuse this little homemade video here but when you're relying on a shoestring you can still get the word out if you want to and I'll talk to you again.

Thanks for listening.

Tuesday, 25 April 2006



Posted on Tue, Apr. 25, 2006

Bill forbids mandatory microchip implants

Associated Press

MADISON, Wis. — Former Gov. Tommy Thompson was one of the first high-profile supporters of tiny microchips implanted in people's arms that would allow doctors to access medical information.

Now the state he used to lead is poised to become the first to ban governments and private businesses from forcing such implants on employees, privacy advocates say.

A proposal moving through the state Legislature would prohibit anyone from requiring people to have the tiny chips embedded in them or doing so without their knowledge. Violators would face fines of up to $10,000.

The plan authored by Rep. Marlin Schneider, D-Wisconsin Rapids, won approval in the Assembly last month. The state Senate is scheduled today to consider the measure, which would allow for the implants if the person gives consent.

Gov. Jim Doyle would sign the bill, a spokesman said.

Schneider aides say the legislator wants the law in place before companies and governments could use them to keep track of their employees.

"I don't think most people had thought about this as an issue, but it's scary. It's reality now," said Michael Schoenfield, an aide to Schneider. "Companies can or will be ordering their employees to have chips implanted. We want to stop that before it begins."

VeriChip Corp. of Delray Beach, Fla., is the only company with federal approval to implant such chips in people. The company so far has implanted 2,500 people worldwide with chips the size of a grain of rice under the skin of their upper arms, said spokesman John O. Procter.

Thompson endorsed this application last year as a way to give hospitals easy access to patients' medical records when he joined VeriChip's board of directors and vowed to "get chipped" himself.

Procter said Monday that Thompson has not undergone the procedure, which he likened to getting a shot, but plans to do so once more hospitals adopt the technology. The chips give off a radio frequency signal identifying a patient. The signal is used to access personal information in an Internet database.

VeriChip is also marketing the implants as a way for companies or governments to limit access to high-security areas.

In February, a Cincinnati surveillance equipment company became the first U.S. business to use this application when a handful of employees voluntarily got implants to allow them to enter secure rooms. Some employees in the Mexico attorney general's office have also been implanted with chips, whose signals are recognized by readers in doorways.

Procter said VeriChip supports the spirit of Schneider's bill and would not work with companies forcing employees to get implants. However, he said the implants are superior to employee badges or key chains as a way to limit access.

"It's more secure. It's discreet and it can't be lost or stolen," he said.

Privacy advocates say they are unaware of any companies forcing implants but are worried the technology is taking off with little debate about potential abuses.

Wisconsin would be the first state to ban mandatory implants, said Katherine Albrecht, a New Hampshire privacy advocate and co-author of "Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Move with RFID."

Albrecht said she recently handed Thompson a copy of her book when he was in New Hampshire giving a speech.

"What an interesting irony that the foremost chip promoter in the world comes from Wisconsin and Wisconsin would be the first state to say, 'Hey, at least get our permission first,' " Albrecht said. "It's good that lawmakers in Wisconsin are paying attention to the fact that this technology even exists."

The proposal would leave the door open for the state to order implants to track sex offenders or for parents to track their children under an amendment offered by Rep. Scott Suder, R-Abbotsford. Such applications are years away because the chips do not yet allow for surveillance tracking.

"The bill may be a little ahead of its time, but I think it prevents some very onerous activity," Suder said. "It is groundbreaking."


Clubbers choose chip implants to jump queues

* 11:12 21 May 2004
* NewScientist.com news service
* Duncan Graham-Rowe

Clubbers in Spain are choosing to receive a microchip implant instead of carrying a membership card. It is the latest and perhaps the most unlikely of uses for implantable radio frequency ID chips.

The Baja Beach Club in Barcelona offers people signing up for VIP membership a choice between an RFID chip and a normal card. VIP members can jump the entrance queues, reserve a table and use the nightclub's VIP lounge.

"The RFID chip is not compulsory," says Conrad Chase, managing director of the club. But he says there are advantages to having it. The obvious one is that you do not have to carry a membership card around with you, but also it means you can leave your wallet at home. This is because the RFID can be used as an in-house debit card, says Chase.

When drinks are ordered the RFID is scanned with a handheld device and the cost is added to your bill. The chips, called VeriChips, are produced by US company Applied Digital Solutions.
Grain of rice

The chips are 1.2 millimetres wide and 12 millimetres long and look like a long grain of rice. A medically trained person injects the chip under the skin in the upper left arm, by the triceps.

A scanner reads the chip by emitting a radio signal. This energises the chip and causes it to send out a small radio frequency signal. This can be picked up from about 10 centimetres away.

Chase would not discuss the cost of each chip but said that both card-holding and implanted VIP members would be charged the same fee of 25 Euros for joining.

So far only nine people have been implanted since the scheme started in March. Chase says this is because you cannot implant people who agree to it in the early hours when they might be drunk. They need to discuss the procedure in a sober environment first, he says.
Privacy issues

But they should also be informed of the privacy implications of having an implant, says Ian Brown, director of the Foundation for Information Policy Research, a UK-based think tank.

"It's not like you can take it off when you leave the club or get home," says Brown. "At the very least it's going to be awkward to remove."

As far as Chase is concerned there are no privacy issues. The bearer has control over what services they sign up for, he says. The only information that can be gleaned without their consent is the chip's unique ID number - it is completely anonymous, he says.

But people may object even to this, says Brown, in much the same way that some are opposed to the use of internet cookies recording their browsing activity.

It would be like becoming a walking internet cookie, he says. For example, retailers equipped with RFID scanners would be capable of monitoring chipped shoppers visits and purchases.


Microchip 'could do away with pills'


Scientists in the United States have developed a new way of taking medicines which could improve the effectiveness of some treatments including HIV therapy.

Writing in the journal Nature Materials they describe a drug-containing microchip which can be implanted in the body.

This then releases the medication slowly so the patient no longer has to take any pills.

Most drugs are still taken orally - but this has drawbacks, the biggest one being human error.

Simply forgetting to take your medicine can seriously affect how well a medicine works.

So this new microchip, which is just over a centimetre in length, could provide a way of delivering exactly the right dose at exactly the right time, therefore making the drug work as well as possible.

Keeping track

The chip's surface is covered in little grooves, where drugs can be loaded.

It is then covered with different types of polymer which slowly biodegrade releasing each dose at a different time.

This type of drug delivery could be very useful for patients who have to take many different tablets at specific times each day for instance those with HIV.

It could also help patients suffering from dementia who cannot remember when to take their drugs.

So far the researchers have tested the chip in the lab with the anti-clotting agent heparin.

They found that just one chip can be used for up to 140 days.

If this works as well for other drugs then clinical trials of the new implant will start soon.


Tracking Junior With a Microchip

Wired News

A Mexican company has launched a service to implant microchips in children as an anti-kidnapping device.

Solusat, the Mexican distributor of the VeriChip -- a rice-size microchip that is injected beneath the skin and transmits a 125-kilohertz radio frequency signal -- is marketing the device as an emergency ID under its new VeriKid program.

The service has even garnered the backing of Mexico's National Foundation of Investigations of Robbed and Missing Children, which has agreed to promote the service.

According to a press release announcing the collaboration, the foundation has estimated that 133,000 Mexican children have been abducted over the past five years.

Foundation officials did not respond to interview requests.

A Solusat executive said the terms of the agreement are still being hashed out.

"There are distinct projects on the table, but one form of finding (children) is by putting scanners in strategic locations where a search is being conducted for a VeriKid that has been reported missing," said Carlos Altamirano, Solusat's associate general director.

The company envisions placing walk-through scanners -- similar to metal-detector portals used in airports -- in malls, bus stations and other areas where a missing child may appear. The chip also could be used to identify children who are found unconscious, drugged, dead or too young to identify themselves.

Critics said kidnappers could circumvent the device easily.

"My big concern is that kidnappers will simply use 'high-tech' tools like knives to get rid of them," said Lauren Weinstein, creator of the Privacy Forum, an online digest related to privacy and technology issues.

The Electronic Privacy Information Center also has warned that inserting a type of LoJack into children and workers to track their movements could violate their civil liberties.

Solusat began selling VeriChip -- which is similar to the biochips used to track cattle and lost pets -- in Mexico in July; it's been sold in the United States since October 2002.

The VeriChip is injected under the skin of the upper arm or hip in an outpatient procedure. A special scanner reads the RF signal emitted by the microchip to obtain the device's ID number, which then is entered into a database to access personal data about the individual. Other potential uses of the chip, according to company officials, include scanning unconscious patients to obtain their medical records or restricting access to high-security buildings by scanning workers to verify their clearance.

In Mexico, the cost of the VeriChip and the doctor's fee for implantation is about $200, in addition to a $50 annual fee to maintain the database. The handheld scanner costs an additional $1,200, Altamirano said. The company refused to disclose the price of the portal scanners.

VeriChip manufacturer Applied Digital Solutions said it plans to roll out the VeriKid service in other countries, including the United States, in the future.


Tracking Junior With a Microchip

Wired News

A Mexican company has launched a service to implant microchips in children as an anti-kidnapping device.

Solusat, the Mexican distributor of the VeriChip -- a rice-size microchip that is injected beneath the skin and transmits a 125-kilohertz radio frequency signal -- is marketing the device as an emergency ID under its new VeriKid program.

The service has even garnered the backing of Mexico's National Foundation of Investigations of Robbed and Missing Children, which has agreed to promote the service.

According to a press release announcing the collaboration, the foundation has estimated that 133,000 Mexican children have been abducted over the past five years.

Foundation officials did not respond to interview requests.

A Solusat executive said the terms of the agreement are still being hashed out.

"There are distinct projects on the table, but one form of finding (children) is by putting scanners in strategic locations where a search is being conducted for a VeriKid that has been reported missing," said Carlos Altamirano, Solusat's associate general director.

The company envisions placing walk-through scanners -- similar to metal-detector portals used in airports -- in malls, bus stations and other areas where a missing child may appear. The chip also could be used to identify children who are found unconscious, drugged, dead or too young to identify themselves.

Critics said kidnappers could circumvent the device easily.

"My big concern is that kidnappers will simply use 'high-tech' tools like knives to get rid of them," said Lauren Weinstein, creator of the Privacy Forum, an online digest related to privacy and technology issues.

The Electronic Privacy Information Center also has warned that inserting a type of LoJack into children and workers to track their movements could violate their civil liberties.

Solusat began selling VeriChip -- which is similar to the biochips used to track cattle and lost pets -- in Mexico in July; it's been sold in the United States since October 2002.

The VeriChip is injected under the skin of the upper arm or hip in an outpatient procedure. A special scanner reads the RF signal emitted by the microchip to obtain the device's ID number, which then is entered into a database to access personal data about the individual. Other potential uses of the chip, according to company officials, include scanning unconscious patients to obtain their medical records or restricting access to high-security buildings by scanning workers to verify their clearance.

In Mexico, the cost of the VeriChip and the doctor's fee for implantation is about $200, in addition to a $50 annual fee to maintain the database. The handheld scanner costs an additional $1,200, Altamirano said. The company refused to disclose the price of the portal scanners.

VeriChip manufacturer Applied Digital Solutions said it plans to roll out the VeriKid service in other countries, including the United States, in the future.


Barcoding humans

The era of implanting people with identity chips is up on us

By Angela Swafford, Globe Correspondent, 5/20/2003

The painless procedure barely lasted 15 minutes. In his South Florida office, Dr. Harvey Kleiner applied a local anesthetic above the tricep of my right arm, then he inserted a thick needle deep under the skin.

''First we locate a prime spot,'' he said. ''The next thing is to release the button that triggers the injection mechanism, and that's it, the cargo's been delivered.''

The ''cargo'' was a half-inch-long microchip inside a glass and silicone cylinder that carries my permanent identification number. For an instant, I remembered the famous scene in the movie ''Fantastic Voyage'' in which a miniaturized Raquel Welch and her companions are inserted, submarine and all, into the vein of a patient. In my case, the tiny chip inside me can transmit personal information to anyone with a special handheld scanner.

Theoretically, this VeriChip will allow doctors to call up my medical records even if I'm too badly hurt to answer questions. It is also supposed to allow me to get money from an automatic teller machine by flashing my arm instead of punching in my PIN number. Or reassure airport security that I am a journalist, not a terrorist.

And, though the VeriChip strikes critics as Orwellian, its makers think the surgically implanted IDs could be the Social Security numbers of the future in a nervous world.

''I believe the day will come when most of us will have something similar to the VeriChip under our skin,'' said Scott Silverman, president of Florida-based Applied Digital Solutions. ''People will regard that its benefits -- in terms of financial, security, and health care -- far outweigh the possibility of loss of privacy.''

Right now, I am part of a very small club, the 18th person in the world -- and the first journalist -- to get ''chipped.'' Most of the others are ADS employees along with one Florida family who have been jokingly dubbed ''the Chipsons'' in a play on the old Jetsons cartoon.

The idea of a system that gives emergency workers and others immediate access to potentially lifesaving information is exactly what drew the Jacobs family of Boca Raton to the VeriChip. At the request of their 14-year-old son, Derek, the Jacobses got chipped last year.

''My husband has cancer and we've experienced the frustrating delays of trying to provide urgent medical history information every time he is rushed into the emergency room,'' says Leslie Jacobs.

Since the attack on the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, she continues, ''we know that our lives are increasingly vulnerable. If we want increased safety, security, and peace of mind, we need to take positive steps. We've decided that having a VeriChip is one way to do just that.''

But critics see surveillance technology like the VeriChip as a growing threat, giving potentially dangerous new power to businesses and government alike. In a report issued in January by the American Civil Liberties Union, Jay Stanley and Barry Steinhardt warned that an explosion of technology has already created a ''surveillance monster.''

''Scarcely a month goes by in which we don't read about some new high-tech way to invade people's privacy, from face recognition to implantable microchips, data mining, DNA chips, and even `brain wave fingerprinting,' '' they wrote. ''The fact is there are no longer any technical barriers to the Big Brother regime portrayed by George Orwell [in his novel `1984'].''

The VeriChip is similar to the more than 25 million chips already embedded in animals all over the world acting as ''pet passports,'' allowing customs officials to monitor those animals that do not need to go into quarantine, or to identify your stray dog.

But, at least for now, the VeriChip does much less: it's mainly for demonstration purposes, carrying only an identification number and the capacity for about three paragraphs of information. Only 10 hospitals and doctors in Florida have the scanner to read the chips. And the Food and Drug Administration has not yet approved the chips for use in health care, so they cannot be used to access medical records.

However, ADS officials say this is just the beginning. They want to build a chip that can store loads of information, or act as the key to a central database that stores information about the user. Ultimately, the company hopes to be able to track the movement of people with chips worldwide using global positioning satellites.

The company is field testing its Personal Locator Device, or PLD, which ADS says could help track lost children, sick elderly family members, mountain climbers who get lost, or kidnap victims. Company officials say they have been inundated with requests from private companies in Latin America, especially Mexico and Colombia.

The PLD is still years away from wide use, according to Keith Bolton, ADS's chief of technologies. The working prototype is rather large -- 2 1/2 inches in diameter -- and would require major surgery for implantation (though it appears some Israeli secret service agents already carry something similar). It is powered by a pacemaker battery, and, just like in a Tom Clancy book, it would let anyone with access to the PLD system follow the wearer anytime, anywhere in the world, at the click of a mouse.

''The PLD would also monitor the vital signs of the wearer, and the environmental conditions around that person, and it could be a great way to protect a family member with a disease such as Alzheimer's,'' says Bolton.

Businesses already use technology to track their products around the world, but we should stop and think about the implications before starting a human tracking system, cautions Mohan Tanniru, professor of information systems at the University of Arizona.

''I am not going to put a chip on my kid thinking that she could be kidnapped,'' he says, ''unless I know the chip will be activated only if I report that my kid is lost. But how do I know that the police are only going to activate it when I say so, and not when they feel like it? You can't just say that technology is bad just because it is there. So it is a matter of deciding what trusting agency should be given that responsibility.''

Tanniru actually thinks that human tracking might be welcome in certain cases, such as following criminals on probation or making sure foreign nationals don't overstay their visas. In fact, Pro Tech Monitoring of Tampa already makes an externally worn tracking device for parolees that alerts authorities if the wearer enters a forbidden area, such as a school zone.

For ADS's Silverman, both the VeriChip and its future GPS-based version are a matter of individual choice.

''No one is forcing you to have a VeriChip. If you want a chip in your right arm you are going to know it is there because you will see it injected. When you look at the events of 9/11 and the way people measure their own personal security today versus the way they did a few years ago, there is a much higher concern to make sure that family members are safe and sound, and some people now put that above privacy rights.''

So far, ADS's technology gamble has not translated into profits. In 2002, ADS lost $112 million on revenues of $96 million, though this loss is significantly lower that that of the previous year.

As far as I am concerned, having a chip with a code in it is not giving me the chills. I think it would be nice to use it to get cash or pay for gas, and I wouldn't mind paramedics having access to my health records in the blink of an eye. Besides, I know it would never get lost. I did, however, have a few questions about its health hazards. So I asked Dr. Kleiner.

''The VeriChip is extremely safe,'' he says. ''Pacemakers are hundreds of times larger and more complicated and nobody has problems with them. To prevent the chip from migrating to another part of the body there is a little polymer at one end of the capsule that will adhere to the skin and hold it in place.

At his office, my arm was like a barcoded product at a supermarket cash register: It beeped every time the scanner prodded the chip. It worked even through my clothes. Displayed on the screen was a long number with many zeroes. For good or bad, I thought, this chip may be quietly heralding a time when people will literally have technology under the skin.

This story ran on page C9 of the Boston Globe on 5/20/2003.


Miami journalist gets 'chipped'
Implantable-ID company puts product into science writer
Posted: April 29, 2003

By Sherrie Gossett
© 2003 WorldNetDaily.com

Applied Digital Solutions, maker of implantable identification chips for humans, is ramping up a new media blitz with the "chipping" of a reporter and unveiling yesterday in London of a new temperature-sensing microchip.

Meanwhile, a June deadline looms for the financially troubled company to pay off a $30 million IBM loan.

Applied Digital Solutions (NASDAQ: ADSX) of West Palm Beach, Fla., maker of the implantable VeriChip, coined the term "getting chipped" as part of a marketing campaign that attracted worldwide coverage. It culminated last May when 8 individuals were chipped.

The VeriChip is an injectable radio-frequency identification chip marketed for human use. It can carry a unique identification number along with other data. In addition, it is wirelessly write-able.

The company invited Angela Swafford, a Miami-based journalist, to get "chipped" while she was working on a VeriChip story for a major media outlet.

Angela Swafford

Swafford is a science writer whose work has appeared in New Scientist magazine, Astronomy magazine, Discovery, and ABC News. Her story is expected to be released in the near future.

"When it comes to reporting on stories, I like to get as involved as possible in the science behind them," said Swafford. "I have been known to lend my body to science, from participating in NASA hyper-gravity tests, to having my brain scanned by neurologists trying new imaging techniques at MIT. All in the name of exploration of new frontiers ... and of good stories."

She added, "When offered the opportunity to be chipped, it occurred to me that I could tell this story in a unique way. I think the technology is tremendously exciting, with applications that defy our wildest dreams. This chip is quietly heralding a time when humans will literally have technology under the skin."

'Cap Cyborg' a 'media tart'?

Meanwhile, in England, mixing getting chipped with publicity has back-fired on famous British professor Kevin Warwick, who has recently been accused of launching a "publicity stunt" in the "worst possible taste."

Warwick, who had previously been implanted with various chips as a part of research projects, announced to a flurry of press coverage he planned to implant a British girl with a GPS-tracked device.

The announcement came on the heels of the tragic deaths of two abducted British girls.

An intermediary firm began handling requests from media who wanted to interview Warwick, dubbed "Captain Cyborg," charging reporters a rate of $125 for ten minutes of talk time.

WorldNetDaily contacted Warwick asking for proof the GPS implant existed, but received no response. In addition, Jackie Fenn, vice president of Emerging Technologies and a research fellow with Gartner Research, told WND she could not obtain verification the implant exists.

When no one could verify the existence of such a device, the merciless headlines read, "Cap Cyborg is a Media Tart. True." Critics charged him with fueling hysteria following the deaths of the girls and with manipulating the fears of parents.

The respected online tech-journal the Register called him a "tedious self-publicist" who was essentially providing "less critical elements of the press with a never-ending stream of stupid stories."

John Lettice, of the Register noted, "And by pushing positive aspects of tagging, even years before it's actually feasible, they're softening public opinion up for the days when it can be widespread, and when its application can be more sinister."

Warwick had called for an urgent government debate on the issue, and said government ministers should consider implants for all children.

"This is why we need the debate to take place," he said. "In the future, it may be that only the police have the authority to allow the system to be activated. But, as things stand, parents can have that right themselves."

The suggestion that only police, and not parents, might have control of such a future system is sure to raise hackles in England, where there has been a steady stream of police officers arrested on child-porn charges.

In 1999, Applied Digital announced they had obtained the patent rights to a GPS implant. The microchip was described as a syringe-injectable implant that was "small enough to be implanted in a child" and could be "continuously tracked by GPS."

Four years later, the implant has yet to make it to market, but the company discussed the need for GPS implants during last year's child kidnapping crises. Jackie Fenn of Gartner notes Applied Digital has told her they are on track for bringing a GPS implant to market.

To date, only intelligence agency uses of GPS implants have been reported as being in current use: Time magazine previously reported the Israeli Secret Service was using GPS implant technology in some of its operatives.

About Applied Digital, the Register complained the firm has essentially been busy "punting cattle tags at the hard of thinking."

Tagging in health care

Meanwhile, yesterday and today Applied Digital was scheduled to make two presentations at the IDTechEx "Smart Tagging in Healthcare" conference in London.

IDTechEx refers to the London conference as the "first major" conference devoted to the potential health-care benefits of smart tagging technologies. As described by IDTechEx, the conference is intended to help attendees "learn how smart labels can save lives, reduce errors, improve health, reduce costs and lead to new services."

Dr. Richard Seelig of Applied will be speaking about possible medical applications of the VeriChip, and will provide the first-ever public demonstration of the company's new temperature-sensing microchip technology, marketed, patented and first announced by Digital Angel Corporation (AMEX: DOC) in February 2003.

This new Radio Frequency Identification microchip has similar dimensions and performance characteristics to VeriChip, but it can also obtain and transmit body-temperature data.

Dubbed "Bio-Thermo" the microchip previously was used for pets, livestock and other animals. The information on the chip can be retrieved with a handheld scanner or by the animal passing through a special portal.

The London conference will mark the company's shift from marketing the chip for animals to also marketing it for human use.

Currently, there is a wide variety of biosensors approaching commercial viability.

Biosensors now are being developed to detect everything from the first chemical signature of cancer to the presence of anthrax, and advances in fields such as nanotechnology, microelectronics and molecular diagnostics have paved the way.

As previously reported by WND, Dr. Peter Zhou had commented in 2000 that he was "very interested" in pursuing the company's implantable technology as a form of a universal health-care identifier, along the lines of what former HHS Secretary Donna Shalala proposed under the Clinton administration.

Applied says its new BioTherm chip has applications relevant to chemotherapy-treatment management, chronic-infection monitoring, organ transplantation treatment management, infertility management, postoperative monitoring, critical-care monitoring, medication monitoring and response to treatment evaluation.

Surge of interest in chip tracking

The health-care tagging conference comes at a time where there is a surge of industry interest in many applications of Radio Frequency Identification chip tagging.

At the forefront of this interest is MIT's Auto-ID Center.

Founded in 1999, the Auto-ID Center is a cutting-edge partnership between more than 87 global companies and three of the world's leading research universities: the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the U.S., the University of Cambridge in the UK and the University of Adelaide in Australia.

Together they are creating the standards and assembling the building blocks needed to create what they call an "Internet of things."

The Center proposes an "intelligent infrastructure" that allows physical objects to communicate with one another. This infrastructure would consist of low-cost electronic tags, unique object identification numbers, common networking services and standardized protocols and languages.

The Center is designing, building and testing the components of such a system, with a view to deploying a global infrastructure – a layer on top of the Internet – that will make it possible for computers to identify any object anywhere in the world instantly.

"Electronic tags when coupled to a reader network allow continuous tracking and identification of physical objects. Reader arrays have been fabricated and integrated in floor tiles, carpeting, shelf paper, cabinets and appliances. Similar to cellular phone grids, the reader network may provide seamless and continuous communication to tagged objects," says Auto-ID Center co-director David Brock.

It's commonly accepted the proposed architecture has the potential to revolutionize supply chain, logistics and inventory.

The Center foresees: "No more inventory counts. No more lost or misdirected shipments. No more guessing how much material is in the supply chain – or how much product is on the store shelves."

Although its first applications are focused on supply-chain management, the concept of seamlessly communicating physical objects has many applications in other areas, such as health care.

The ability to provide continuity of care, continuous patient monitoring, shared yet secure medical records, valid and accurate medical dosages, medical equipment tracking and improved information display and communication are some of the propositions enabled by the technology.

In its full implementation, the Auto-ID technology is said to have the potential to greatly reduce costs while increasing the reliability and effectiveness of human health care.

Chip maker facing financial struggles

Meanwhile, Applied Digital continues to face financial struggles, even in the wake of worldwide press coverage.

Under a new forbearance agreement reached with creditor IBM, the financially struggling Applied Digital gained the right to buy back its existing indebtedness from IBM Credit with a one-time payment, on or before June 30, of $30 million. If this payment is made, Applied Digital would satisfy its full obligation to IBM Credit, according to the company.

For 2002, Applied has posted a net loss of $112.5 million on revenues of $99.6 million, according to the latest SEC filing. The loss is significantly lower than 2001's net loss of $215.6 million, but the company's losses for the past three years total $443.3 million.

Earlier this month, Applied announced the SEC is conducting an informal inquiry into the company.


2 September 2002
Exclusive By Lorraine Fisher

A GIRL of 11 is to have an electronic tag fitted which will trace her if she is ever abducted.

Danielle Duval will be implanted with a microchip to track her every move.

If she was kidnapped, her exact location would be discovered via a computer.

Parents Wendy and Paul decided to tag Danielle after the abduction and murder of 10-year-olds Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman

Wendy, 33, said: "After the news of Holly and Jessica we sat down as a family and discussed what we could do.

"Like us, Danielle needs to feel she's safe and could be located in a real emergency.

"I know nothing is ever foolproof but we believe the microchip will go a long way towards protecting her."

The Duvals deny they are over-reacting.

School-catering controller Wendy said: "We recognise it's unlikely our children will be abducted but no one can ever be certain.

"It seems only sensible for any parent to use technology when its available.

"If a car can be fitted with equipment to enable it to be tracked when it is stolen, why not apply the same principle to finding missing children?" The tag has been developed by cybernetics expert Professor Kevin Warwick, 48.

The chip emits radio waves through a mobile phone network and beams its exact location to a computer.

If Danielle went missing, her location would be marked by an X on a computer map.

Prof Warwick said: "The implant won't prevent abductions, nothing will.

"But if the worst happens, parents will at least be in with a chance of finding their children alive."

Danielle is happy to have the microchip. She said: "I will feel so much safer knowing that mum and dad could find me in an emergency.

"The professor said the chip won't hurt, so that's okay."

It will be inserted in her arm by a GP using local anaesthetic. It costs about £20 and will be invisible.

The Duvals, from Reading, Berks, plan to have younger daughter Amy, seven, tagged as well.

But Wendy said: "We'll wait until she's older so she understands what's happening."

Once the chip is fully developed, anyone could be fitted with it, from newborn babies at risk of being snatched to Alzheimer sufferers.

Prof Warwick added: "Children may resent that their every movement is traceable. It's also possible some parents might abuse the system.

"But I'm confident this has to be the correct course of action in the light of recent, tragic events.

"The technology exists, it's affordable and accessible."



Warnings Staff Will Be Microchipped In Future
8:56 PM, 30 Mar 2006

An Otago University law professor is warning that New Zealand employers will some day microchip their staff in an effort to monitor their performance at work.

Paul Roth, who made the claim at a privacy forum in Wellington today, says employers are already using new technologies to check up on staff, such as finger scanning instead of clocking-in cards, and key-logging to find out how fast people are working.

He predicts many employees will have to carry microchips in ID cards as happens overseas, to monitor where and what they have been doing.

Paul Roth told the forum the chips could even be embedded in workers themselves.

The Engineering, Printing and Manufacturing Union says emerging technologies in the workplace are a threat to workers' privacy.

Its spokesperson, Andrew Little, says it would be difficult for business to refuse police or other agencies if they wanted any information gathered from the microchips.


The document on this page is retyped exactly from the poor quality original received here at Leading Edge Research Group in August 1997. The original document had a fax annotation of August 6, 1996 and was stamped "Confidential", with a hand written annotation at the bottom which read, "We understand the New Jersey prison system is presently using". The original fax was four pages in length. The document came into our possession synchronistically at the same time the correctional system of the U.S. is coming under scrutiny for draconian methodology. Are these guys a bunch of Nazis, or what? The parts colored in red have been done so in order to stress certain sentences and passages. Our analysis of this alleged "whopper" indicates that in all probability such an implant would directly interfere with the function of the hippocampus, which is interesting because a lot of the ongoing interest in neuroscience has been with just that organ. Interestingly, according to the Chinese scientific report on the effect of fluorides on the intelligence of children, it is also this same organ that is affected. The effect on the limbic system is to halt resistance to both authority and adaptation to novel changes in situation. A perfect tranquilizer device. Note that most sedative drugs are fluorinated compounds. Implants and bleeding from the ears and nose...now who's doing a lot of those abductions and blaming all of them on alien factions....


The control of crime will be a paramount concern in the 21st century. We must be ready with our security products when the demand for them becomes popular. Our Research and Development Division has been in contact with the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the California Department of Corrections, the Texas Department of Public Safety, and the Massachusetts Department of Correction to run limited trials of the 2020 neural chip implant. We have established representatives of our interests in both management and institutional level positions within these departments. Federal regulations do not yet permit testing of implants on prisoners, but we have entered into contractual agreements with privatized health care professionals and specified correctional personnel to do limited testing of our products.

We have also had major successes with privately owned sanitariums with implant technology. We need, however, to expand our testing to research how effective the 2020 neural chip implant performs in those identified as the most aggressive in our society. Limited testing has produced a number of results. In California, several prisoners were identified as members of the security threat group EME, or Mexican Mafia. They were brought to the health services unit at Pelican Bay and tranquilized with advanced sedatives developed by our Cambridge, Massachusetts laboratories. The implant procedure takes 60-90 minutes, depending upon the experience of the technician. We are working on a device which will reduce that time by as much as 60% [30 min]. The results of implants on eight prisoners yielded the following results: Implants served as surveillance devices to monitor threat group activity.

Implants disabled two subjects during an assault on correctional staff. Universal side effects in all eight subjects revealed that when the implant was set to 116 Mhz, all subjects became lethargic and slept on an average of 18-22 hours per day.

All subjects refused recreation periods for 14 days during the 166 Mhz test evaluation. Seven out of eight subjects did not exercise, in the cell or out of the cell, and five out of eight of the subjects refused showers up to three days at a time. Each subject was monitored for aggressive activity during the test period and the findings are conclusive that seven out of eight subjects exhibited no aggression, even when provoked. Each subject experienced only minor bleeding from the nose and ears 48 hours after the implant due to initial adjustment. Each subject had no knowledge of the implant for the test period and each implant was retrieved under the guise of medical treatment. It should be noted that the test period was for less than two months.

However, during the period substantial data was gathered by our research and development team, which suggests that the implants exceeds expected results. One of the major concerns of Security and the R&D team was that the test subject would discover the chemical imbalance during the initial adjustment period and the test would have to be scrubbed. However, due to advanced technological development in the sedatives administered, the 48-hour adjustment period can be attributed to prescription medication given to the test subjects after the implant procedure. One of the concerns raised by R&D was the cause of the bleeding and how to eliminate that problem. Unexplained bleeding might cause the subject to inquire further about his "routine" visit to the infirmary or other health care facility. The security windfall from the brief test period was enormous. Security officials now know several strategies employed by the EME that facilitate the transmission of illegal drugs and weapons into correctional facilities. One intelligence officer remarked that while they cannot use the information they have in a court of law, they now know who to watch and what outside "connections" they have. The prison at Solidad is now considering transferring three subjects to Vacaville where we have our ongoing implant research.

Our technicians have promised that they can do three 2020 neural chip implants in less than an hour. Solidad officials hope to collect information from the trio to bring a 14-month investigation into drug trafficking by correctional officers to a close. Essentially the implants make the unsuspecting prisoner a walking-talking recorder of everyone he comes into contact with. There are only five intelligence officers and the commissioner of Corrections who actually know the full scope of the implant testing.

In Massachusetts, the Department of Correction has already entered into high-level discussions about releasing certain offenders into the community with the 2020 neural chip implants. Our people are not altogether against the idea, however, attorneys for Intelli-Connection have advised against implant technology outside strict control settings. Under the present governmental structure, our liability would be enormous. While we have a strong lobby in Congress and in various state legislatures favoring our product, we must proceed with the utmost caution on uncontrolled use of the 2020 neural chip. If the chip were discovered in use not authorized by law and the procedure traced to us we could not endure for long the resulting publicity and liability payments. Massachusetts' officials have developed an intelligence branch from their Fugitive Task Force Squad that would do limited test runs under tight controls with pre-release subjects.

Corrections officials have dubbed these potential test subjects "the insurance group" (the name derives from the concept that the 2020 implant insure compliance with the law and allows officials to detect misconduct or violations without question). A retired police detective from Charlestown, Massachusetts, now with the intelligence unit, has asked us to consider using the 2020 neural chip on hard core felons suspected of bank and armored car robbery. He stated, "Charlestown would never be the same; we'd finally know what was happening before they knew what was happening."

We will continue to explore community uses of the 2020 chip, but our company rep will be attached to all law enforcement operations with an extraction crew that can be on-site in two hours from anywhere, at anytime. We have an Intell-Connection discussion group who is meeting with the Director of Security at Florence, Colorado's federal super maximum security unit. The initial discussions with the Director have been promising and we hope to have an R&D unit at this important facility within the next six months. Florence, Colorado has replaced Marion, Illinois as the federal prison system's ultra maximum security unit. Legislative and executive branch efforts continue to legalize the implant technology.