Mind Deprogramming Jukebox

Tuesday, 7 February 2006

US Budget is terrible due to war, yet more war is coming !!!!

Like I stated in my posts in early December it was very easy to see where the US was going, if you did not have your head buried in the Media made quicksand. The push to invade a 3rd Islamic country is on, and all in the name of peace. War = Peace. Killing = Freedom. Invasion = Safety from threats over the world for American, Britian ect. This is the way from day 1 the admins of these and other countries have pushed their global agenda. But the main country, and one leading the charge, the mis-information and sysop's is of course the USA. And the people are now slowly waking up to see the landscape is changing.

Everything would not be such so tragic if more people around the world seen that this whole war is a smoke screen by world power brokers. 9/11 was a tool used to mold the US people into a usable force to proceed with this agenda. I suggest anyone who has not looked into the facts [ and I do mean FACTS,] to find them out yourself. Videos can be watched, news read .... the internet is great since you can get unfiltered, unwashed and unbiase news from Isreal,Iran,China,Russia,American,Canada,Britan ect ect. To use the internet to goto places that have bit torrent or use Winamp to watch videos online. When watching all I ask is you understand what the people are propsing and if what they say is true, or could be true but you need to look into it more. Just question the goverment.

It is because the facts do not add up. 3 builinds drop in NYC when NEVER EVER BEFORE has any building fallen from fire, and they fell in seconds ! They were blowen up !! oH, AND JETFUEL even at its highest temperature and with the perfect mix of 0xygen cannot melt steel incase you were about to say that. Look it up, not inthe news, on the chemistry charts and in science. Thats not hard to do right. This is why I blog constantly about the war on terror, against this US Goverment in power and their allies. Their is no war, just an agenda. The cause [ 9/11 ] was just another in a long line of self made attacks, or attacks allowed to push goverment agendas.

*And now for the news which shows clearly where this is all going : *

Meanwhile today in American they can feel the effects of the war on terror by knowing that their president SPYS on them or has agencies doing this for them, LINK ,LINK ,LINK, and the latest budget spending trillion and much more cuts Education, Medicare and Speical needs while the wealth of monies is given to the Millitary spending !!!!

Bush pens $2.7-trillion budget
Plan boosts funds for war on terror, trims Medicare

The Associated Press
Published: Tuesday, February 07, 2006

WASHINGTON -- President George W. Bush sent Congress a $2.77-trillion budget plan yesterday that would boost spending in the war against terror but squeeze a wide swath of other government programs to deal with exploding budget deficits.

Bush, hoping to get his domestic agenda back on track after a year of political setbacks, unveiled a budget blueprint with a heavy emphasis on keeping the country strong militarily. It would also make his first-term tax cuts permanent, at a cost of $1.4 trillion over 10 years, and still achieve his goal of cutting the deficit in half by 2009.

Achieving these two goals constrained Bush's efforts to offer new initiatives although he did put forward a few mostly modest programs to deal with American anxieties about global competition, soaring energy costs and skyrocketing medical bills.

But among the losers were 141 government programs that Bush sought to sharply reduce or eliminate entirely. Almost one-third of the targeted programs are in education, including ones that provide money to support the arts, vocational education, parent resource centres and drug-free schools.

"My administration has focused the nation's resources on our highest priority -- protecting our citizens and our homeland," Bush said. His spending proposals, contained in four massive volumes, are for the 2007 budget year that begins next Oct. 1. The $2.77 trillion in spending would be up by 2.3 per cent from projected spending of $2.71 trillion this year.

The administration said the deficit for this year will soar to an all-time high of $423 billion, reflecting increased spending for the Iraq war and hurricane relief.

But the administration says the deficits will be halved by 2009, the year Bush leaves office.

Bush is also seeking savings by trimming spending by Medicare, the government's health-care program for the elderly and disabled, by $35.9 billion over five years.

Other savings in so-called mandatory spending, because the payments are set in law for all who are eligible, include $4.99 billion in changes in farm commodity programs, and $16.7 billion in reforms of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., the government program that backs private pensions.
I guess this budget is causing some concern : link
While other countries scoff : link

"Their is no war, just an agenda. The cause [ 9/11 ] was just another in a long line of self made attacks, or attacks allowed to push goverment agendas." - Plato

Russian Ultranationalist Leader Expects U.S. to Attack Iran in Late March

Created: 07.02.2006 10:54 MSK (GMT +3),

Russian Ultranationalist Leader Expects U.S. to Attack Iran in Late March

Created: 07.02.2006 10:54 MSK (GMT +3),


“The war is inevitable because the Americans want this war,” he said. “Any country claiming a leading position in the world will need to wage wars. Otherwise it will simply not be able to retain its leading position. The date for the strike is already known — it is the election day in Israel (March 28). It is also known how much that war will cost,” Zhirinovsky said.

He went on to add that the publication of Prophet Muhammad cartoons in the European press was a planned action by the U.S. whose aim is “to provoke a row between Europe and the Islamic world”. “It will all end with European countries thanking the United States and paying, and giving soldiers,” he said. Russia should “choose a position of non-interference and express minimal solidarity with the Islamic world”, Zhirinovsky added.

For his part, the head of the Centre for Strategic Studies of Religions and Modern World Politics, Maxim Shevchenko, also believes that a U.S. attack on Iran is very likely although he sees no preconditions for this war. “Iran does not threaten anyone, is not pointing its missiles at anyone. No Iranian leader has ever threatened to carry out a strike against the U.S. Therefore preparations for a war against Iran appear to be a global act of provocation,” he said.

In Shevchenko’s opinion, the reason behind “this barefaced promotion of a world war lies not in a conflict between the West and the Islamic World but in a fight for power in the world between US and European elites”. “The fate of humanity will be decided between a saber-rattling America and an allegedly democratic Europe,” Shevchenko concluded.

Whereas a senior research associate of the World Economy and International Relations Institute, Georgy Mirsky, is confident that “there will be no war”.

“The Americans got so very much stuck in Afghanistan and Iraq that they will not start a new war without definite proof of the fact that Iran poses a threat to the world. Besides, the U.S. has mid-term elections this year and the Republicans, who have suffered a severe blow to their trust, will not be able to win these elections if they drag the country into a new hazardous escapade.

”As for Israel, it can carry out a strike against Iran but only when it knows for certain that only one step remains before an Iranian atomic bomb is created. But that time has not come yet,“ Mirsky said.

Now in related new to this, sraeli acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said on Sunday that Iran would pay "a very heavy price" if the Islamic Republic defiantly resumes full-scale uranium enrichment to build nuclear weapons. Wow, its all nice and neat. Once one bully decides the time is right to take the lunch money and tell em when they are down, other smaller bullies will jump in.

"Their is no war, just an agenda. The cause [ 9/11 ] was just another in a long line of self made attacks, or attacks allowed to push goverment agendas." - Plato

"Their is no war, just an agenda. The cause [ 9/11 ] was just another in a long line of self made attacks, or attacks allowed to push goverment agendas." - Plato

Iran to pay "heavy price" for nuclear weapon ambition: Israel

JERUSALEM, Feb. 5 (Xinhuanet) -- Israeli acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said on Sunday that Iran would pay "a very heavy price" if the Islamic Republic defiantly resumes full-scale uranium enrichment to build nuclear weapons.

"At the end of the day, it shows that Iran will pay a very heavy price if it continues with its plans to try and enrich its fuel in order to be able to use it as an option to make non-conventional weapons," said Olmert at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting.

He also said that Israel had played an important role in what he described as an intensive and stormy diplomatic effort leading to Iran's referral to the UN Security Council.

Olmert's warning came shortly after Iran announced that it had ended all voluntary cooperative measures with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), including snap checks of its nuclear sites and suspension of uranium enrichment.

The IAEA, the UN's nuclear watchdog, decided on Monday to report Iran's nuclear program to the Security Council, which might lead to sanctions.

Israel, believed to be the only nuclear power in the Mideast region, has accused Iran of secretly developing nuclear weapons under a civilian front, a charge categorically denied by Iran. Enditem

Last, shame on Iran. For failing to see what is going on, and being bullied and manipulated into doing exactly what those wanting war hoped for. Their leaders are even more shortsighted and blind then most Westerners who watch the news! And shame on the US for finding enemies of every nation in the world that is not democratic. What a lovely world, then again it's been the same throughout history :

Iran kicks out UN nuclear agency

The Associated Press
Published: Tuesday, February 07, 2006

VIENNA -- Iran has told the UN nuke agency to remove cameras and agency seals by the end of next week and immediately cut back suspected nuclear-site inspections, in response to referral to the UN Security Council, the agency reports.

And ....

Beijing rejects Pentagon report

Associated Press

BEIJING - China said Tuesday it has formally complained to Washington over a Pentagon report that calls China a potential military threat, and the foreign ministry accused the United States of trying to mislead public opinion.

The report, released Friday, expressed concerns about Beijing's rising military spending to project power beyond China's borders.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan said the report made "groundless accusations regarding the normal national defense development in China, interferes with China's domestic affairs and plays up the theory of the Chinese military threat, thereby misleading public opinion."

Kong said China had made "solemn representations to the U.S. side," without providing details.

"We are an important force that promotes the peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region and the world," Kong said. "We have not, do not and will not pose a threat."

China's official military budget for 2005 was $30.7 billion, based on current exchange rates, after a decade of double-digit annual increases. But foreign analysts say the true spending is several times that. A Pentagon report last year put the figure at between $50 billion and $70 billion, which it said was the world's third-highest military budget.

"Of the major and emerging powers, China has the greatest potential to compete militarily with the United States and field disruptive military technologies that could over time offset traditional U.S. military advantages absent U.S. counter strategies," the latest Pentagon report said.

By comparison, President Bush in his budget proposal this week said America's military budget in 2007 should be $439.3 billion, a 6.9 percent increase over 2006 for the Pentagon. That figure does not include the costs of war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

China has spent heavily in recent years to modernize its 2.5 million-member army, focusing on adding high-tech weapons to extend its reach and back up threats to attack rival Taiwan.

"The United States should correct its wrong view and treat China's peaceful development in an objective and positive manner," Kong said. "It should stop making groundless remarks and do more to benefit the stable and healthy development of China-U.S. relations."

Asian governments from Japan to Southeast Asia to India worry about Beijing's growing military power.

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